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Help Molly Beat Brain Cancer

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Let me introduce you to my good friends Molly and Socks Henderson. Their story is an incredible journey and testament to the power of love, faith in God, and courage. It has been a test of what we think is important in life vs what REALLY is. They met on eHarmony in 2009, after waiting their entire lives to find one another. They were married in December of 2010. When they said their wedding vows, to love one another in sickness and in health, they had no idea the road they would begin to travel just 20 months later. A seemingly harmless headache soon became debilitating. It would eventually be diagnosed as Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage IV, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. Her doctors gave Molly 18 months.

But God is in charge! Two years since receiving this devastating news, Molly is still fighting and their lives have changed dramatically. Their days are filled with doctor appointments, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, and hospital stays. Through it all they have remained unwavering in their belief that God will heal Molly. They have drawn strength from Him and one another along the way. Molly is completely dependent upon Socks for her care. He is her caregiver, constant companion and the embodiment of Christ’s love.

The very love that brought them together is the bond that has enabled them to continue along this difficult path. It has been my honor to witness their response and attitude to circumstances that would have caused many to question God and quit. Through it all, beautiful Molly remains a fighter, a fierce lover of God, a worshipper who loves to sing and has a contagious laugh. She is the strongest woman I know. If anyone can beat this, it’s her!

We believe what the enemy meant for evil, God is using for good Gen 50:20. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or imagine Eph 3:20.

Please pray for Molly and Socks, share their story with everyone you know and help get the word out about their situation. I pray that as you read this you would also consider helping them financially, as they need help with medical bills and living expenses.

Please follow the instructions to donate, and check back here for updates on Molly’s progress. We thank you for your prayers!

If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Socks Henderson and mail to:

Molly and Socks Henderson
c/o Tara Thomas
Sunridge Community Church
42299 Winchester Road
Temecula, CA 92590

December 24, 2010

July 20, 2014

A Note From Socks Henderson
Molly and I have been very blessed to have thousands of people praying for us ever since Molly was first diagnosed with Brain Cancer (Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage IV) after her first surgery on August 10, 2012. We truly believe in the power of prayer and it is clear that God has answered many of them. Knowing that you have been praying for us has helped us to remain positive and faithful over the past two years and we want you to know how grateful we are for your prayers and continuing spiritual support.

Since her initial surgery, Molly has had 3 additional craniotomies, 2 series of radiation therapy, several rounds of chemotherapy and numerous scalp infections as a result of the surgeries, radiation treatments and her compromised immune system. On July 15, 2014 Molly had reconstructive plastic surgery at the City of Hope to remove portions of infected skin tissue and skull and replace these with the serratus muscle from her left side and a skin graft from her left thigh.

As Molly continues to recover from this major surgery, we are now just beginning to work with her doctors to plan the next steps in her cancer treatment.

August 24, 2014

What We Would Like You To Do:

1) Please continue to pray for Molly's full and complete healing from cancer and for the strength (for both of us) to continue to fight this battle until she is healed.

2) Please aggressively share this page on Facebook. We would like to reach 10,000 shares as quickly as possible.

3) Please Subscribe to the Updates on this page. I will be writing on a regular basis and this is the best way for you to remain current on Molly's progress and learn of any additional prayer requests.

4) And finally, Molly and I want to thank you in advance for any financial donations that you feel lead to give. Because Molly suffers from significant short term memory loss and has lost most of the peripheral vision in her left eye, she requires both 24/7 care AND constant supervision. I (Socks) am her full time caregiver and am unable to work for a living. Currently, our sole source of income is Molly's Social Security Disability payments.

For Those of You Who Don't Know Us (And Even For Those Who Do) We Would Like to Share "Our Story" With You In Words and Pictures.

We Hope That You Enjoy Learning More About Us and Want
All of You to Know Just How Much We Appreciate Your Prayers and Support.

All Our Love,

Molly and Socks

P.S. This Section is Not Yet Complete and will be updated on a regular basis.

How We Met
Molly and Socks met on eHarmony on May 17, 2009. Their first "in person" meeting was at Disneyland, in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle, on June 24, 2009. It was pretty much love at first sight.

Exactly six months later, on the morning of December 24, 2009, Molly and Socks returned to Sleeping Beauty's Castle to have pictures taken to commemorate the sixth month anniversary of their first least that's what Socks told Molly.
Instead, Socks proposed to Molly in the exact same spot where they first met and had a Disneyland photographer lined up in advance to record the event.

Exactly one year later, on December 24, 2010, Molly and Socks were married in Burbank, CA in a private, intimate ceremony, with only their immediate family present.

Back to Disneyland.... But Not The Happiest Place on Earth
After spending the night in Burbank, Molly and I were scheduled to meet some very close friends at Disneyland on Friday morning, February 21, 2014. Unfortunately, when Molly woke up, she discovered that her entire left side was suddenly weak and she was unable to dress herself due to the loss of dexterity in her left hand.

Although we enjoyed seeing our friends at Disneyland, it was a very bittersweet day. Molly was extremely tired and fatigued all day. She needed help walking, buttoning her jeans in the restroom and even standing at times. All I could think of was that her brain tumor was growing again, putting pressure on her brain and creating weakness on her left side.

The Angel Was Right
Molly and I left the park early and stopped to use the restrooms before the long drive back to Burbank. Molly still needed help with the buttons on her jeans but refused to use the men's restroom with me. She asked several women for help after explaining her situation but they were unwilling to assist her.

Suddently, a young brunette woman appeared from Molly's left and asked if she needed some help. Molly said yes and the woman helped her to unbutton her jeans and then rebutton them after she had used the toilet. As they were walking to the sink to wash their hands, Molly thanked the young woman for her help and then asked her name. Her name was Cicely.

As they walked out of the restroom towards me, Molly turned to the woman and said "God Bless you Cicely. Thank you so much for your help." I thanked her as well and as I was turning to face Molly and take her hand I saw Cicely look directly at Molly and say "God isn't finished with you yet." In the next instant I grasped Molly's hand and then turned back to Cicely.....but she was gone.         

A few days later we received the results of the post Disneyland MRI. It showed that edema (swelling of the brain) was the cause of the sudden weakness on Molly's left side, not tumor growth. An increase in her steroid medication brought her back to normal in just a few days. I guess Cicely knew what she was talking about.

Unfortunately, there is currently a large gap in the timeline of this Campaign. Much of which is currently covered in a series of Updates. Please read all of the updates before continuing.

I have repeated the lastest update below to make this transition a bit easier.

Devastating News

On the morning of Thursday, November 6th, we received some devastating news.

Apparently after some additional discussion of Molly's 10/29/14 MRI results, her doctors concluded that the significant increase of edema throughout her brain was most likely the result of tumor progression and not radiation damage.

They told us that they did not believe that additional chemotherapy and / or Avastin treatments would be of any significant benefit, but would only serve to cause her additional pain and suffering. They advised us to consider Hospice and to focus on keeping Molly as comfortable as possible and to minimize her pain.

This was very hard for us to accept because, at this point in time, Molly was experiencing very little pain, continued to have a healthy appetite and remained mentally alert.

Despite these feelings, it was clear that Molly could no longer climb the stairs at our home up to our bedroom and needed a wheelchair for transportation outside our home.

So, with a heavy heart, we agreed to contract with a Hospice Company as the next step in Molly's care so that they could set up a hospital bed for her in our living room downstairs and provide us with a couple of wheelchairs for transportation.

On Saturday, November 8th, Molly was transported by ambulance from her hospital room at St. Joseph's Medical Center to our home in Temecula, California.

Molly's Hospice Journey Begins

While Molly and her Mom, Maggie, were traveling by ambulance to our home in Temecula; my Dad, Stu, and I were rearranging our living room to accommodate the Hospice furniture and equipment.

By the time they arrived they were hungry and ready to eat. So as soon as we got Molly settled in her hospital bed we all sat down to enjoy some homemade tacos.

Sunday,  November 9th

While Molly was in the hospital this past week she kept asking when she was going to be able to go home because she did not want to miss Church on Sunday.

Well, with help from our good friend, Michael Watson, Maggie and I were able to get Molly into and out of his car and a wheelchair and to Sunridge Community Church in time to enjoy the 10:30 AM Service.

Physical Therapy

On Tuesday, Veterans Day, my brother, Jeff, came to visit. He worked with Molly and showed her some physical therapy exercises that she could do in bed so that her muscles would not atrophy.

Rib Night ......... Yeah!

There are two meals that Molly always looks forward to me cooking for her. The first is my award winning  Chardonnay Poached Salmon and the second are my World Famous (okay, maybe not the World, but at least they are famous, and appreciated, in the Henderson household) Baby Back Pork Ribs.

Molly's Sisters Arrive

On Saturday, November 15th two of Molly's sisters, Valerie and Lisa, arrived from Texas. Her third sister, Julie, drove in from  Northern California on Monday morning.

With the arrival of her sisters and a new wheelchair, we began to get Molly up and out of bed for all of her meals.

We were also able to begin taking Molly outside for a bit of fresh air and to walk her beloved Golden Retriever, Boston.

Then it was back to the house, out of the wheelchair, into the bed and time for a nap.

Saturday, November 22nd

Today, Molly received a gift of some new clothes from her sisters; including a bright orange shirt, her favorite color, to wear on Thanksgiving.

Molly continues to have a good appetite and still likes her bananas and baby carrots.

Tuesday, November 25th

Today, our niece, Meagan, came to visit from Ventura. She spent the entire day with Molly and her sisters and they had a great time. She even brought Molly lunch from Chipotle Mexican Grill, one of Molly's favorite fast food restaurants.

Then later in the afternoon, Molly got another surprise.  Long time Burbank friends, Yvonne and Richard Colon, who had recently relocated to Florida, stopped by for an unexpected visit with their daughter, Tiffany.

Needless to say, after all of that excitement, Molly was exhausted and slept very well that evening and virtually all of Wednesday to get ready for Thanksgiving!



  • Peggy Cook
    • $40 
    • 9 yrs


Yvette Watson
Temecula, CA

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