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Abbey's cancer fighting fund.

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In May 2017 our world changed forever, and what was our "normal",  was rocked to the core.  My wife,  Abbey,  was diagnosed with  Stage 4 (Malignant) Melanoma. Nothing prepares someone for news like this about someone you love so much.

As we tried to cope with our shock, sadness and anger towards this vicious and all-consuming disease, we found the strength and determination to fight back and try anything we could to keep Abbey with us. 

If we could fight this disease with determination and grit alone, I wouldn't have to write this story and ask for the help we are desperately in need of.  

 We are not going to sit back and watch this disease take our mother, sister, wife and friend !!  But to keep our chances going we need your help.

Stage 4 Melanoma is a very difficult condition to treat.    Chemotherapy & radiation are ineffective treatments for this type of cancer.   Immunotherapy is the current treatment method.   It is a relatively new treatment for Melanoma in Australia and so far it does seem to be having  a positive impact on the cancer ... although slower than the doctors like to see.  For this treatment to continue being offered to Abbey it is critical that the doctors be satisfied with her progress. 

There is treatment in Japan that has been shown to be very effective when used in conjunction with Abbey's current Immunotherapy pathway and can amplify the results. 

The Japanese methodology amplifies the body's responsiveness to the immunotherapy by helping to boost the immune system and fight cancer cells much more effectively.   Abbey has trialled a less potent oral form of this Japanese treatment and responded well but the full treatment for an effective period is currently beyond our financal means.  It is for this reason I am humbled to ask for your help in saving my wife's life.  

I am so proud of Abbey.  She is doing everything she can to improve her health ... from diet changes, meditation, yoga and lots of positive, happy thinking.  She rarely talks about the  effects of this deadly disease and asks not for sadness and sympathy ...  but for happy, loving thoughts of health and wellness to be sent her way.  

The treatment in Japan is very expensive and ongoing.....  Abbey would go to Japan for initial treatment and treatment thereafter would continue for 24 months or more.     After budgeting airfares and accommodation, the treatment in Japan and just one year of treatment ongoing once back in Australia,  the cost is on the upside of $45,000. 

We are spending everything we have to save Abbey's life, but unfortunately even with that, it is beyond our reach to see this to the finish line. 

We would be forever grateful if you could assist us in any form you can to see this Wonder Woman, full of strength and determination, beat this disease and be that example that cancer does NOT always win !!  

Thank you

Abbey's husband 


  • Janine Tosana
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs
  • TJ and Kim
    • $1,000 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • TJ and Kim
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Gloria Northwood
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Melissa
    • $5 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs


Bill Meier
Diamond Valley QLD

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