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Dan Hall's Medical Treatment Fund

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Dan Hall is our Nephew In-law married to our Niece & Goddaughter Kirsty and a loving father to a beautiful 3 year old daughter Madison-Skye who absolutely adores her Daddy and the bond between the two is unbelievable.

We are setting up a social media campaign asking for urgent help to raise £8,000 for a non NHS trial drug that could give Dan the gift of life this Christmas. #Donate4Dan

Dan was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia on 31st October 2014 aged just 26 after he'd been unwell for a short period of time and eventually collapsed whilst off work for two days where he was then rushed to Royal Bournemouth Hospital's emergency department with suspected Septicaemia by his Sister in-law as an ambulance was not deemed necessary to be sent out by the switchboard of emergency services at the current time. Despite this Dan was rushed to intensive care where he spent a few days on breathing machines keeping his lungs open before then having to be rushed for the start of his chemotherapy.

At the time of writing and setting up this page, Dan has been through 7 rounds of chemotherapy at Royal Bournemouth Hospital and in the Summer of 2015 underwent a Bone Marrow transplant at Southampton General Hospital from an American Donor where he spent just under 3 months in hospital away from his friends family and of course his beautiful little girl, who he was unable to see due to strict restrictions within the procedure and ward.  Dan is now back in hospital about to undergo his 8th round of chemotherapy in order to reduce the amount of cancer cells by a considerable amount while we try to get the funds and go ahead for this trial drug.

As you can imagine being away from your kids for any length of time is not nice for anyone but for the past two years Dan has been in and out of hospital for long amounts of time as he has been battling the biggest battle of his life meaning he has been missing many precious family moments of his little girl growing up.  Now every time Dan leaves to go anywhere Maddie is very unsure and upset worrying that her Daddy wont be coming back because of hospital as that is how she has seen things for the past two years not knowing any different.

Dan is currently in a race against time to beat an aggressive blood cancer that has failed to respond to NHS treatment methods but Dan's medical team friends and family believe a new type of treatment not yet available on the NHS could help save his life and help many others in a similar position if funds can be raised and results can be proved.

Unfortunately for Dan despite 7 rounds of chemo and a bone marrow transplant  since his diagnosis, Royal Bournemouth Hospital and Southampton General Hospital medical teams tried every possible treatment available on the NHS to cure his cancer and following his bone marrow transplant and despite further rounds of chemotherapy there are Leukaemia cells still reappearing.  These treatment methods prove successful for many paitents but Dan has a relatively rare and aggressive type of acute myeloid leukaemia which returned within a year of his transplant.

Now that all options for NHS treatment have been exhausted, Dr Chacko, Consultant Haematologist at RBCH who has been looking after Dan since his initial hospital admission back in 2014, is trying to get Dan onto a trial drug called 'Sorafenib' for at least 2 months which costs in the region of £4,000 a month. The drug is usually used to treat liver and kidney cancers by blocking the enzymes, proteins and blood vessels  that cancer cells need to grow. Recent trials have shown the tablets can also be effective in the treatment of blood cancers.

Because 'Sorafenib' is still being studied for use in treating acute myeloid leukaemia, it is not available to Dan on the NHS. To ensure paitent safety, medicines prescribed by the NHS must meet EU and UK licensing laws. Drugs must be thoroughly trialled and researched usually over several years, to prove they meet the required safety criteria before developers can apply to license a drug. To ensure responsible use, drugs are licensed only for the treatment they have been developed for, so a licensed drug for the treatment of kidney cancer would also need an additional licence, before it could be prescribed widely on the NHS for treating cancers of the blood. 

The drug 'Sorafenib' may be effective for Dan because his leukaemia cells have a specific molecular abnormality that can be targeted by the drug. Dan's consultant at RBH has agreed to progress the new treatment if funds can be raised because there are no other curative options at this stage.

Dan is a well known local lad who is proud of the area and his background and would do anything he could to help others in need. This has been helped further more by the Daily Echo publishing Dan's progress since his diagnosis to show back the support and keep people within the local communities updated. Dan initally wanted it kept quiet and no fuss made but after a heavy thinking time decided that by doing so he could help others and fellow sufferers by installing faith and a never give up attitude just from his progress.

Dan is an avid AFC Bournemouth supporter where he has spent many of years holding a season ticket and spent a lot of time and money following his beloved Cherries up and down the country showing his support and even sports a tattoo as a tribute to his favourite team. Due to his Cancer diagnosis he has not been able to attend games whilst undergoing various treatment in and out of hospital meaning its one more thing that he has had to struggle with being taken away from him for this period of time so far. However his spirits have remained high and this has been further helped by Dan receiving three seperate surprise visits from AFC Bournemouth players whilst in hospital undergoing chemotherapy. Several players follow Dan on Twitter since and often send him a message of support and check to see how he is coping which as you can imagine makes Dan pleased and as he calls it an honour to feel supported back from his one love alongside his family and friends.

Dan was recently able to marry the love of his life Kirsty just 2 days after coming out of hospital from a stint of chemotherapy. However things have taken a sudden turn and Dan has just recently been made redundant from his job of nearly 10 years  of which for 2 years he has been unable to work because of his illness.  Dan's wife Kirsty is working long hours to support both Dan and Madison-Skye as they try to keep a roof over their head and still be able to enjoy family time. But as you can imagine it is not easy in this modern day and without Dan being able to work they cannot afford the £8,000 needed for the treatment.

Dan recently said ''If we cant fund the new treatment the outlook is pretty bleak for me, as the cancer is already showing up in my blood again. I dont ask for donations on my own behalf - though of course having aggressive cancer of any sort is frightening - I just dont want my little princess to grow up without her Daddy or my wife to go through life alone. Kirsty is the most amazing woman and will do anything for anyone and my little girl is the most loving and fun filled girl you could ever ask for, my family and friends mean everything to me."

So we are simply asking everybody to donate a little to Dan's much needed treatment. If we all contribute just one or two pounds, say the price of a beer of coffee this Christmas season, we are giving Dan the chance to see many more Christmases with his beloved family. We are in a race against time to fund this non NHS trial drug to try and beat Dan's cancer and for Dan to be able to help give others the belief and spirit by getting the right much needed results from the outcome, so we are asking for donations as quickly as possible.

If you feel you can help with a small donation of any amount we would be most grateful. There is not much any of his family and friends can do to help Dan which is one of the most frustrating feelings in the world for all of us.

Please help us give Dan the best Christmas present he could ever have hope for.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and keep on fighting Dan and everyone else out there battling on to beat this cruel disease. So in the words of Dan "together anything is possible, there is always someone far worse of out there."


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