Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Critical Care Unit @ Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Donación protegida


I lost my much loved Mother to Covid-19 on 30/10/2020.  I made the difficult
decision to discuss the specific circumstances leading to my Mother's  passing
with the BBC Asian Network, BBC Radio 5 and BBC Midlands Today local news, in
the hope of saving lives and raising Covid-19 awareness in the leadup to
Christmas & New Year. 

During her final days my Mother was cared for by the truly amazing Doctors and
Nursing staff at the Birmingham Queen Elizabeth  Hospital, Critical Care Unit.  
The medical team were excellent.  They treated my Mother with the up most
respect and dignity.  They made every effort to meet my Mother's physical,
emotional and spiritual needs. I will forever be grateful to them for the kindness,
respect and warmth they showed my Mother.

There were occasions when I called the ward a number of times each day for an
update as to my Mother's critical condition. Despite being so incredibly busy,
each time I called, the Nursing staff spoke to me with kindness, understanding
and empathy. 

In the hours leading up to my Mother's death, despite a Registrar being on duty,
the Consultant caring for my Mother came into the hospital, during the night, to
speak with me in person.  She informed me with such kindness, compassion and
sensitivity that my Mother was at that time dying. 

I believe the NHS staff who cared for my Mother during her final days went over
and beyond their duty and due to their commitment I was able to take some
peace from knowing my Mother was receiving the best possible care available.

The loss of my Mother has been devastating.  We are broken as a family.  I don't
believe we will ever recover.  We will have to find a new normal in the months and years to come.  My Mother was such a kind and gentle soul with a big heart.  Her
loss feels so senseless and avoidable.   It is therefore important for me for
something positive to come out of our personal tragedy.  As a family we also wish to show gratitude to the hospital that fought so hard to save our Mother's life. 

Can I therefore please ask, anyone who may be in a position to do so, please
consider donating £2 . I know the financial situation is so critical for many
families at the moment.  It is for this very reason I have requested a small
donation from those who are in a position to spare it.  Should anyone wish to
exceed this amount, I would of course be very grateful. 

I apologise in advance if my request causes any upset or is perceived to be
insensitive by anyone.  This was not my intention.   I would just like to give
something back to the remarkable NHS who were there for us in our time of

My last conversation with my Mother was on 6/10/20 through a family zoom call.  The call was made using one of the Hospital's iPads.  During this call we were able to tell my Mother that we loved her and she said she loved us too.  This was the
last time we saw her with her eyes open or spoke with her.

As a family we also recorded personal messages onto a dictation machine, and
asked that these messages were played throughout the day to my Mother while
she was in an induced coma.  We were informed there was a possibility that she
could hear what was being said.  By doing so, we hoped she would not feel afraid
or alone. We wanted her to know she was loved,  thought about and that her
family were close by.  Under different circumstances we would have been by her
side, talking to her and comforting her in person. 

We understand that not all families will have access to a dictation machine.  It is
hoped with some of the funds that may be raised through this appeal that the
hospital may be in a position to purchase dictation machines and additional iPads for other families to use to maintain some form of family contact during these
unprecedented times. 

Being unable to be with a family member who is critically ill, is devastating for all
concerned, particularly the patient.   Family contact is so important, especially as
part of end of life care.  I hope through this fund raising request, we can help
others to maintain family contact with their loved ones during their time of need. My Mother received excellent care.  I hope this appeal will go some way to assist
others to also receive such care. 

I can guarantee anyone who makes a donation or is considering donating, 100 %
of all funds raised (minus the booking fee/charges by GoFundMe) will be donated to the Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital's Critical Care Fund.   I will ensure
you are all kept updated as to the progress we make in reaching our target.

Thank you kindly for taking the time to read my request. 

Please stay safe  & God bless you all x


  • Pam Sohi
    • £20 
    • 3 yrs


Dalvinder Kaur-Kelly

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