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Tuition Fee for Edinburgh Uni

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Hello!  My name is Lucy, (but many of you know that anyway!) but you may not know my story...so here goes!
I grew up on a council estate, in SE London and spent most of my childhood in hospital. This inevitably led to a fascination with film, television and most creative mediums (as it was a way to pass time) There is little story here as well. While in hospital when I was 15, I met a young man called Peter, who I became very good friends with. One day we watched the making of Independence day on the communal TV, which we both found fascinating. After watching this we begged the nurse's to arrange a cinema trip to see it, they eventually gave in and said they would talk to the doctors and our parents. So that night Peter and I went to bed very excited about going out to the cinema to see this exciting new film.
Unfortunately when I woke up the next morning Peters bed opposite mine...was empty. He had died during the night and his parents and the entire ward was devastated as you can imagine. The nurse's decided they would take us to the cinema that day to cheer us up (even though I really wasn't in the mood and felt incredibly guilty going)
I have to say I will never forget the look on all the other teenagers faces and the wonder in their eyes while they watched that film,for only a couple of hours we forgot we were sick and spending most of our days in hospital and that our friend had died...and for that short time, we felt normal. At that moment in my life I decided this is what I want to do more than anything...I want to help people escape. 

So I attempted to pursue a BA in film in my 20s, but unfortunately my only choices were BA film studies or film school (that someone like me could never afford)
So I went off and studied stage management, knowing I would get to work with actors, directors etc, hoping that one day I could maybe do an MA in directing.  
I didn't have to pay tuition fees for my BA due to my mother’s income at the time and her death during my second year of uni. But unfortunately this also left me with some debts (from my mother and attending uni)
Anyway after many years of paying off various debts (including my own) living "Life" so to speak and working for an amazing company called BADA (my roles included Administrator, Production Manager, Assistant Director, MCP Manager and Designer) I have managed to save some money to go back to uni and finally do that MA!
Unfortunately the fee increased dramatically in the last year and I now find myself short of funds necessary to complete the MA, as my savings will cover food and modest accommodation but not the full tuition fee.

Anything donated will be hugely appreciated and will go straight towards paying my tuition fee which is £7800 for the year! I have applied for scholarships, government loans, bursary's and grants. But I'm not eligible for any help, either because of my age, the subject of the course or because I worked hard and saved some money.

I will keep you posted on all the projects and films I work on while at uni, and let you know if any of them make it to film festivals.

I'm under no disillusion that by doing this course, I will wake up a year later and be a world famous director. But I know, if I don’t do this course, I won’t get anywhere near close to creating the “magic” that is film..

Thank you for your time :)


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Lucy Joan Barnes

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