Completing Service Dog Training
Hi all!
I’m not usually one to do fundraisers, and I hate to say I’m desperate. Leo, my service dog is amazing. He does so much for me. HOWEVER, he can do so much more. His training needs to continue; unfortunately, training is expensive. I’m reaching out in hopes that I can afford to continue with more training sessions with him.
He needs to learn mobility tasks, and other tasks that help limit the amount of time I bend over or do anything strenuous because bending over or walking on difficult surfaces causes me to feel faint and weak and sometimes my eyes go black for a few seconds-minutes. This can cause a syncope episode or a fainting episode and he needs to be able to alert to them before they come on, or go get help.
-Along with those tasks, I would love for him to:
•Pull blankets off/on •Help remove clothing •Clean up items on the floor (put in basket) •Throw away trash (put in wastebasket) •Unload grocery items •Be able to help with laundry •Unload items from the washer or dryer •Close washer/dryer (with paw or nose) •Assist with making bed •Provide support/stability while walking and going up and down stairs •help carry items and bags, etc. •Assist with position changes (sitting to standing, laying to sitting, etc.) •Help sit up if slumped over. •Counter-balance. •Forward momentum (when walking) •Provide momentum up inclines. •Open doors (pulling open using a tug) •Open doors (pushing open with nose or paws) •Open sliding door •Open/close cabinet/drawer •Retrieve items when pointed to •Retrieve water/juice/gatorade/etc.. •Retrieve shoes •Retrieve tissue (when crying, sneezing, coughing) •Carry items up or down stairs •Drag heavy items to specific location •Turn lights on and off (with paw, nose or teeth)
-Other very important tasks would include: •Bark for help on command •Alert family member •Alert stranger for help •Go find help/specific person •Guide to an exit •Guide to specific item •Guide to specific location •Guide to specific person •Guide to a safe place •Guide to the car •Bracing •Follow designated person
I know this seems like a lot, but all of these tasks require hours of training which I cannot afford and it breaks my heart because I know Leo can reach higher potential and help me significantly more than he does now.
Anything at all is MUCH appreciated. The support would mean the world to me. Please feel free to share this fundraiser with anyone and everyone if you are unable to donate. Thank you so much.
I’m hoping Leo reaches his full potential and helps me out even more than he does now!
Also- if you’d like a 7x9 pet portrait for $100 off, let me know as well, because that’s also an option that would help me significantly!