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Chinese Standard Bible

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Millions are coming to Christ in China. The church is asking for a better Bible translation. The predominant Chinese Bible was published in 1919 and is hard to understand. Global Bible Initiative published the Chinese Standard Bible (CSB) New Testament. Respected cross-denominational church leaders and scholars are endorsing the CSB. Free, unhindered access to the CSB is available on all 563.3 million Chinese smartphones. So far, over 18 million page views, millions of audio listens, and 250,000 printed CSB Bibles. Our Mission: BETTER SEED = readable, accurate and balanced Bible translation. Our Vision: BIGGER HARVEST = winning the “smartphone generation” to Christ. $223,750 needed to cover the costs of our editorial, technology, and research teams. The Old Testament is currently being translated. Proverbs is done. Psalms will be completed in 2016.

Will you pray for us and help support our work financially? Thank you!

Jiang Qing, the last wife of Chinese leader Mao Zedong, helped unleash the Cultural Revolution in China in the 1960s and 70s. “Christianity in China,” she said famously, “has been confined to the history section of the museum. It is dead and buried.” Instead, there is an explosive spiritual revival in China. At this rate, by 2030 there will be more Christians in China (+ 225 million)[1] than in the U.S. today (+ 173 million)[2].

God is using the technological breakthrough of smartphones and the desire of companies for global marketing to create the perfect channel for distributing His Word to over 76% of the world. (Experts predict that 6.1 billion people will have smartphones by 2033.) Now, in China, there over 500 million smartphone users. And those who oppose the gospel are unable to stop this distribution of God's Word. We've already had 18 million page views of our New Testament!

When you combine the next generation's thirst for answers (demand) with this rapid expansion of technology (access), and new Bible reading apps (engagement), it's clear that God has the perfect global strategy to deliver His Word to those who need it.


The predominant translation of the Bible used by Chinese Christians today is the Chinese Union Version (CUV), which was translated by missionaries in 1919. But the language in the CUV is stilted for modern readers, especially the younger generations. Several attempts have been made to modernize the language, but the Chinese church is requesting a Bible with both fidelity to the inspired text and readability. Jesus compared God's Word to seed planted in the hearts of people. If we can create better seed (Luke 8:11) – a clearer, more accurate and balanced Bible translation – it will result in a bigger harvest (2 Corinthians 9:10) – more Chinese people placing their trust in Jesus Christ.

The goal of Global Bible Initiative translation teams is to create a Bible that is both easy for middle school students to understand and suitable for serious Bible study. We have published the Chinese Standard Bible (CSB) New Testament and are working now on the Old Testament.

“Since Chinese is one of the most used languages in the world, it is in particular need of current and up-to-date Bible translations. We thank God for leading the Global Bible Initiative to produce the Chinese Standard Bible, which is up-to-date, easy to read, and faithful to the original. It will be a blessing and spiritual contribution to the Chinese believers and churches throughout the world. May God bless it, promote it, and put it to full use.” – Rev. Thomas Wang, Chairman of Great Commission Center International

My name is John Sawyer. My life has been transformed by the Bible. It has given me hope in the darkest times, guidance for tough decisions, assurance of God's forgiveness, help overcoming sin, inner peace, and an unshakeable confidence about my eternity. I want everyone on earth to be able to read and understand the Bible. That's why I'm thrilled to be the new CEO of Global Bible Initiative. Previously I was a partner in a marketing firm called Grey Matter Group in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My wife, Shelley, and I want to devote the rest of our lives to helping people develop a relationship with their Creator through His Word.

There are thousands of worthy causes. Why spend your time and resources on this one?

1. God is clearly working in China and it is both a privilege and a joy to join God in what he is doing in China! A Chinese communist leader recently admitted that there are over 125 million Christians in China. Other experts say the number is much higher. There's no doubt that the Spirit of God is very active there, bringing millions of people to Christ.

2. The Chinese church has requested a Bible with updated language and uncompromising accuracy to the inspired text. They know that it will take an excellent Bible translation to engage the smart phone generation in God's Word.

3. There's Jesus' promise to give a 100x return on the sacrificial investments we make for His kingdom (Mark 10:29-31).

4. Investment in this ministry already shows a good return from looking at the results alone. We've already had over 18 million page views of the CSB New Testament and distributed over 250,000 printed copies. Many Chinese church leaders have endorsed the CSB. It is “good seed” that will produce a great spiritual harvest.

The budget for just the CSB is $707,000 per year. Generous Christians have already donated about $483,250 for this year so our remaining balance is $223,750 ($44,750/month or $10,327/week). Your gift will be used in the completion of the CSB Old Testament, to cover the costs of our editorial, technology and research teams.

We have two other projects. One is the Myanmar Standard Bible (MSB) for the 32 million who speak the Myanmar (Burmese) language in the world.

We are also working on Bible translation software tools and data development that can help all Bible translators improve the speed and accuracy of their work.

God has made it clear that our work will not succeed unless we depend on Him for our wisdom and resources. Zechariah 4:6 says, “ ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” We have a devoted group of global prayer warriors. Would you like to join us? Please let me know and I'll include you on our prayer letter.

We've uploaded the CSB New Testament to free Bible access sites like YouVersion , BibleGateway , Bible Hub , Faith-Hope-Love and a Chinese app called WeDevote .

If you also believe in the power of the God's Word to transform lives, will you join us in supporting the Global Bible Initiative CSB translation teams so they can provide an accurate, readable and balanced Bible translation for free to the 1.3 billion Chinese speakers in the world?

Eternally grateful,

John Sawyer
Chief Executive Officer
Global Bible Initiative

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
Matthew 24:35 | Luke 21:33

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.
2 Corinthians 9:10

Global Bible Initiative is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

[1] Source: www.slate.com/bigideas/what-is-the-future-of-religion/essays-and-opinions/fenggang-yang-opinion
[2] Source: www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape


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John Sawyer
Global Bible Initiative Inc
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