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IJM Internship - South Asia

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Questions answered here (in order of appearance):
1. What is IJM?
2. Why South Asia?
3. What will I be doing as an intern?
4. How can you help?
5. How do you donate?
6. What will my budget be like?
7. How can you keep in touch?

What is IJM?

IJM, or International Justice Mission, is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. whose goal is to combat forced labor, sex-trafficking, and poverty in developing countries.

IJM is a non-partisan, non-governmental, 501(c)3 organization. Since its inception in 1997, it has effected sustainable change by making structural enhancements in developing countries.

IJM implements change in three phases:

1. Collaborative Casework: targeting individual cases in order to build relationships with local authorities and identify specific problems within the justice system

2. System Reform: in addition to casework, developing a plan that responds to the assessed needs in Phase 1

3. Sustain Gains: continuing to monitor results from Phase 1 and 2, maintaining positive relationships with local authorities, and acting as a reliable protector for the impoverished and oppressed in the area

IJM consists of teams of lawyers, social workers, investigators and other professionals who work in Washington D.C. or one of their 17 field offices around the world.

IJM is a widely recognized and well respected organization whose work has been cited in numerous publications and media outlets, including the The Washington Post and the New York Times .  You can see a highlight reel of their press coverage here: IJM Media Reel (attached to this page also).

Why South Asia?
In South Asia, millions of people are trapped in forms of modern slavery. While some of these countries have strong laws against both sex trafficking and forced labor, historically these anti-slavery laws have not been enforced. This allows traffickers and slave owners to exploit children, women and men with impunity.

What will I be doing as an intern?
Starting in January 2018, I will be assisting the Human Resources department as the office transitions into Phase 2b of their reform initiative. During this phase, the field office will continue building relationships with local authorities, analyzing the effectiveness and sustainability of the changes that have been made, and acting as a resource for the oppressed in the community.   

Given the need for discretion and security, I will not be allowed into the field during this time. IJM’s field offices majorly employ natives to the country. My role will be to support the office staff in the great work that they are doing inside and outside of the office.

Why me?

After doing missions for a year with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), I went to school and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Social Work. I chose the major because of my interest in sociology, psychology, and policy. Not only did I come out with a better understanding of these fields, but my education also taught me that I enjoy writing and research-based work (the majority of my assignments in school).

I knew early on that I would not be pursuing a traditional career in social work. After graduating college, I moved to New York City and have since worked as an administrative assistant for an investment advisor in Manhattan. Here, I have gained invaluable experience in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment. I am confident that my degree in social work and recent work experience have prepared me to participate in the  amazing work that IJM is doing.

Most importantly, I have felt a calling over the past six years to help people who are in crisis. This calling comes from the overflow of my faith in Jesus Christ, who sacrificed everything so that I might know abundant grace and eternal love. As a follower of Jesus, I am called to live a life of action.

On top of my calling as a Christian, I have developed a passion for building cross-cultural relationships. Many of you know that I was a military kid who spent the first part of my life in Naples, Italy and Cairo, Egypt. This was only the beginning of my traveling experience and I have since gained a greater love for different cultures and peoples.

How can you help?
I have been overwhelmed with the positive responses to my decision! There are three areas that I have identified where continued support would be deeply appreciated:

1. Emotional support: It has meant the world to me to receive congratulatory texts and well wishes from my friends and family. I will need that support even more as I venture into a world unlike the one I have known in recent years.

2. Prayer support: Through the application process up until now, prayer has been an essential part of my journey to IJM. I cannot express my gratitude enough for those who have been praying for me and with me. South Asia is a spiritually charged area of the world. It is likely that I will encounter a type of spirituality that I have not experienced before. 

3. Financial support: IJM relies on its interns to support their efforts both domestically and internationally. By donating to the internship, you will be supporting the incredible work that they are doing!

How do you donate?

1. Venmo is ideal as they do not take any percentage out of your donation. You can find me at @brownsarahanne and put IJM in the body. I will update this page with any donations I receive outside of GoFundMe

2. MissionStream (Tax-deductible) / Monthly Support:
•Go to
•Click on Missionaries in the left side bar
•Click on my name, listed as Sarah Anne Brown
•Complete the prompts that follow

3. Right here on GoFundMe!

Here is how I foresee my funds being allocated:
  The table below is based on estimates. I will keep my supporters updated if the numbers change at all.

Keep in touch!For security reasons, I was unable to disclose the exact location of the field office at which I will be working. If you’d like to know the exact location, or if you have any other questions, please feel free reach out: Contact Me

I will be sending out a monthly update letter. Please do let me know if you’d like to receive them. If you’d like to keep up without receiving an email, you can always check my blog for updates:

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  • Michelle Ott
    • $120 
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $1,200 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $200 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $240 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $1,000 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
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Sarah Anne Brown
Astoria, NY

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