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Brick X Brick goes to Washington DC

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Hello Friends and Supporters!  

Brick x Brick is back!

We are demonstrating our nationwide alliance against misogyny at the Women’s March on Washington on January 21st.

We need your help:

1) We want to build an inclusive wall. Approximately 33% of this Go Fund Me will assist our scholarship initiative to help participants come to D.C. that may not otherwise have the opportunity to be on the ground for this historic moment.

2) We want to build the largest human wall against misogyny the world has ever seen! We currently have 200 suits from previous walls, but need an extra 50 of larger sizes (so we can layer underneath to stay warm). Therefore, we also need to make more patches.

This is a grassroots, community initiative driven by volunteers that now span across 8 states and we want you to join us!  Please reference the "rewards" section of this campaign to see how you can contribute to our movement. Every amount counts, and will be acknowledged on our official BrickxBrick website.

Want to join us in D.C.?! All genders welcome. Please fill our participation survey.



Now This:

Public Radio International:

Social Media:

Twitter: @brickXbrick2016

Instagram: @brickXbrick2016

#brickXbrick #brickXbrick2016 #joinourwall


Project Description:

Brick x Brick is a public art performance that builds human “walls” against misogyny. During the wall performances, participants wear brick-patterned jumpsuits adorned with colorful brick patches bearing statements of misogynistic violence made by President-elect Trump and members of his administration. Placing divisive words on the jumpsuits is a symbol of our resistance and determination to maintain control over our bodies. Linking hands to form community walls of individuals further blocks and subverts the messages that subjugate women. When standing in wall formation, we hold silent space that amplifies our message and builds unity through passive participation with the audience.

Prior to the November 2016 United States presidential election, Brick x Brick built “walls” in eight different states: Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Virginia. We are now joining forces (old and new!) in D.C. on the day after Inauguration Day at the Women's March on Washington .

Brick x Brick’s Mission for the March:

Brick x Brick marches as part of the Women’s March on Washington to protest misogyny. We resist patriarchal, heteronormative, discriminatory and oppressive systems and structures of power. We stand in solidarity with an intersection of voices from all socio-economic, geographic, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including indigenous communities, people of color, persons with disabilities and LGBTQIA communities. We acknowledge the strides women have made historically and continue the work of those who have stood in resistance before us.

What We Believe:

• It is our duty to stand in opposition to threats to civil and human rights.

• We are indivisible... one nation for all.

• Every life is equal. Every voice is equal.

• Misogyny, sexism, racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia and bigotry have no place in our White House or our culture.

• Black Lives Matter.

• Rights of people with disabilities are human rights.

• Rights of members of LGBTQIA communities are human rights.

• Indigenous peoples’ rights are human rights.

• Immigrants’ rights are human rights.

• Women’s rights are human rights.

• Environmental rights are human rights.


  • Linda Dunphy
    • $25 
    • 7 yrs


Andrea Lauer
Brooklyn, NY

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