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Bone Cancer Bites!

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We need Angels!  Thank you for taking the time to read our desperate plea for help. I am fundraising today on behalf of my amazing and beautiful wife Shannon. She is a fighter and this is not her first go around with cancer as she has battled cancer 3 times prior to today. Her first go around she was diagnosed with Hodgkin s cancer at 27 years old. In order to preserve her ability to have children she was treated by radiation. Because of this treatment we were blessed with a wonderful daughter. However, due to the treatment she had undergone she was told that she could get breast cancer 20 years from then. For 20 years Shannon lived life to the fullest, raised our incredible daughter, and knew that she was on borrowed time and made the best of every minute. 

Almost 20 years to the day passed us by and what we feared would happen did indeed happen. In 2009 she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. At the time she was treated and put on a trial/study of Tamoxifen and told that if she continued to take the medication for 10 years that she would have a 98% chance of beating it. As it turns out and as devastating as it is, we are the other 2% and the cancer has returned with a vengeance. Cancer has robbed us of 2 homes and given us a mountain of debt due to her medications. To this day Shannon still works just to help keep the bills down but the bills are taking over our lives. This is time that Shannon should be home and caring for herself and living every day to its fullest. To help around the home we have our daughter and Shannon's mom living with us.

Currently we are paying thousands a month just for her medical bills, never mind the mortgage, food, transportation, and other bills that occur. If you can, please make a donation today. What may feel like $100 to you will feel like $10,000 to Shannon. If you cannot make a donation please share our story to your friends and family within your social circles, perhaps someone that you know is willing to make a donation or even share our story further. 

We are at risk of losing my wife, my best friend, a mother to our daughter, and our home. Anything that you can do to help us will be greatly appreciated.

Shannon has also started her own blog: Shannon's Blog: Bone Cancer Bites!
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  • Anonyme
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Stephen Danizio
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • jule thompson sankey
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Kelli Johnson
    • $200 
    • 1 yr
  • Francine Dinnauer
    • $50 
    • 1 yr
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Jay A Thompson
Cedar Park, TX

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