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Blen(Fafi)'s Medical & Transport

Spende geschützt
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.
Proverbs 19:17

The story is about our friend Blen Lemma who most of us call her affectionately "Fafi". The vibrant and friendly Blen we see in the picture has been sick for the last couple of months and diagnosed with stage IV Pancreas cancer. Currently she is unable to work or take care of herself as she used to. She needs spiritual, emotional and physical support. She also needs financial support.  Blen had lots of plans for her life and most importantly to serve the Lord. Right now all her plans and dreams and wishes are on hold not because of her choice but because of her illness. Cancer has no boundary it affects people from all walks of life. We all agree that people in her situation need support in many ways,  for some it could be emotional for some medical for others financial. Blen needs all the support we can give her.  Please let us help her in time of her need. The main purpose of this fund raising is for her immediate day to day needs and also to buy a plane ticket to send her to her native country Ethiopia.
"Giving brings more blessing than receiving. "
Please Help!!
Most of all pray for her God give her comfort and strength while she is battling this disease. 

God Bless you and thank you for your support.

Update: Unfortunately Blen passed September 24, 2017, the beneficiary, her sister  Fikreselam lema, will use the funds to pay for the funeral services and coffin transport to Ethiopia. 
Thank you to everyone who has kept Blen and her family in their prayers.


  • Senait Aseke
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tina Wondifaw
Springfield, VA
Fikresalem Lema

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