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Love for Eric and Amber Lutheran

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Please donate and help this long-suffering couple regain their HOPE!

Their trails have been unrelenting. They fear friends have grown tired of offering help after such a long journey. Below is just a glimpse of some of the things they've endured in the past 6 years. Most recently they had flooding in their basement that they are unable to pay for or physically handle right now. Help needed.

Read their Caring Bridge Journal

July 2008 - Eric was diagnosed with Acute Promylocytic Leukemia. After treatment, complications, hospitalization and chemo he went into remission and started maintenance treatment.

May 2011 - Eric married Amber Boyd!

May 2012 – Eric’s leukemia relapsed, now showing tumors in his brain and spinal fluid.

2012: Eric received chemo directly into his brain and through IV. He got very, very dangerously ill. Atrial fibrillation, low blood pressure, fevers, near-fatal fungal infection, internal bleeding, confusion, tracheotomy and feeing tube needed, muscle atrophy. He was hospitalized for 7 months between Mayo and Fargo. As he slowly regained health and strength he relearned how to walk, talk, eat and care for himself.

April 2013: Eric is newly diagnosed with myelodisplastic syndrome (MDS). They begin a journey towards stem-cell transplant.

September 2013: After months of tests and prep, including more radiation and chemo, Eric received a stem-cell transplant with cells donated from his brother John. This began a 100+ day stay in Rochester while constantly going to appointments to monitor and balance everything.
- During this time Eric’s mother was also undergoing surgery for lung cancer. To pile on the stress, Amber and Eric’s home in Drayton, ND had extensive water damage and needed many repairs. The day before they were set to finally come home, their vehicle broke down.

2014: The Lutherans are home, and attending to the day to day details of staying healthy and getting back into the world. Eric has been back to work on a revised schedule and continues to have frequent check-ins with his many doctors. He is battling Graft vs Host complications. Amber is working full time, caring for her husband in many ways, and running the house. They are both exhausted.

This week (beginning of July) their basement flooded again when the sump pump failed. For a number of reasons, this has become the straw that broke the strong camel’s back. Both Amber and Eric feel utterly defeated right now. Amber is ripping out the brand new basement carpet, and doing all the hard labor that comes with water damage. Eric is not allowed to help at all because of his compromised immunity, and is struggling with feeling inadequate. Insurance will not cover this damage; and they do not have money to fix it again.

Help needed.



  • Tom & Alison Hennes
    • $25 
    • 10 yrs


Vicky Vetter
Drayton, ND

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