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AYC Mission to Kolkata, India

Don protégé

Apostolic Youth Corps (AYC) is a ministry of the General Youth Division and facilitates the pairing of ministry-minded Apostolic students with North American and international sites which need and desire developmental and evangelism assistance. AYC candidates will assist Global Missionaries and work in cooperation with Campus Ministry International and Compassion Services International.

My Journey...

March 2012, The depression I was experiencing due to the loss of my Mother a year earlier was leading me down a path of self-destruction. I was unable to function on a day to day basis; I was completely removed from reality and simply did not wish to live anymore. Alcohol and drugs took control of my life and I remember asking myself, "Why bother going on another day; all you're going to feel tomorrow is pain". While I wanted so badly for my heart to stop from breaking, I couldn't bring myself to take the easy way out. Although my body was on the verge of death, My soul was still alive; And it was searching for something greater.

It was at this point that God began to reveal his perfect plan for me. I gained a new sense of self-worth; I found a foothold in what once seemed like an insurmountable climb. Things were looking up, but still my soul yearned for more. Then a co-worker began telling me about the Apostolic Church that she’s attended since her childhood. Although I was raised around the Catholic Faith, I really had no connection to God. In my head I was thinking; "Been there, done that. Just isn’t for me - I can do this on my own". But the more she told me about it, the more my heart listened and I made the decision to attend "just one service, just so she'll stop bringing it up" on a hot summer day in July of 2013.

Fast-forward to 2015, God has taken control of my life and is continuously molding and shaping me into a new creature as the old pain and heartbreak completely fades away. A new way of living has taken me places I never thought possible, and Jesus Christ has shown me though his word that he is the only way, truth and life worth living for. I've since began working on my Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a Ministerial Studies / Theology degree though Purpose Institute. As for the co-worker who brought me to church; we've fallen in love and have been together for 2 years. Just another part of Gods perfect plan!

In July of 2015, I will embark on a  trip to Kolkata, India with 3 members of our Church's Youth Department. I believe that God has called us to bring relief to those who desperately need it and help spread the gospel to those all across the globe; and it begins in Kolkata. My wish is to assist those afflicted with poverty in developing countries and to teach those who do not know the truth the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. I know that through him anything is possible, So please in any way that you can, help us do great works in the name of Jesus and bring the Spirit of the LORD to India!

Thank you for helping me achieve my dream!

Joseph Belli
Je contribue


  • Anonyme
    • $10 (Don hors ligne)
    • 9 yrs
  • Cynthia and Richard Cornacchio
    • $200 (Don hors ligne)
    • 9 yrs
  • Kevin and Christine Sullivan
    • $200 (Don hors ligne)
    • 9 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $50 (Don hors ligne)
    • 9 yrs
  • Bethel UPC
    • $150 (Don hors ligne)
    • 9 yrs
Je contribue


Joseph A Belli
Hicksville, NY

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