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Willy has a long story to the way he was brought into the world, he was attacked by another dog as a baby...and if you're all wondering where we got the name "Willy" from...well he had it bitten off.

He was surrendered into the rspca yagoona at 6 weeks old as his owner could not afford his vet bill, as he also had a hernia. I am a foster career for the rspca & was more than happy to take will in after his 1st reconstruction surgery...he has now had 4 in total.

Willy got out of our yard on Saturday 28/6/14...we thought we would never see him again, until I got the dreaded phone call that Will had been found in someones yard...he had been hit by a car. I immediately went to him, as he was found only 2 streets away from my baby was trying to find his way home.

We rushed him to the rspca yagoona, they are looking after him. For Wills survival, he needs to have magor surgery on both of his legs. 1 leg is shattered which with 3 fractures & requires his femoral head to be removed which will result in him having a leg a little shorter,also his other side his hip is dislocated which requires pins.

By the extent of Wills injuries he was dragged by the can someone not stop to help him? He cannot walk,  so where ever he was hit he had to dragged himself to safety.  We are trying to everything in our power to help save our Will boy, and this site has been recommended to me by a friend.  The money side of thing's have not crossed my mind as I just wanted him to be safe, but now when I know the vet bill will be hitting well over the thousands mark, how do I help my boy when that sort of money is not something I have sitting in my bank account.

 If you decide to donate to help my boy or if you decide to read this & smile because you can see how loved he is...thank you. He makes us smile every day & will continue for many years to come. 

We believed he was meant to be our boy, and we decided to keep him. We have had him from 6 weeks of age, he is now 9 months and the poor boy is now going through this. I know the non animal lovers out there would wonder why someone would spend so much money on a dog? Well hes  not just a dog...he is our family & we will do anything to keep him happy and healthy, and to be home with us soon. 

The rspca have a brilliant bone surgeon doing willys surgery on Thursday, so he will be home a few days after that where he will spend in icu...

Thank you for reading "Wills story"...

Much love Kelly, Craig & Indy...and our furry ones of the house. ..Boston & Willy xxx

***At the checkout process, you will notice the paypal account name as Carley Power (My sister in law) reason being, I do not have an acc. I contacted paypal, & if I was to set up an acc today, what ever funds deposited would not be available to withdraw for 21 days...we couldn't wait that long. So please know, you're donation is going to the correct campaign x


We are hoping to continue to help other animals & families in need, with helping fund their vet bills, that they cannot afford to pay. We have a lot to research & ideas to put together...but with all the love & support Willy has I know more than ever...anything is possible. Once our boy is home & my heads a little clearer, my ideas will be spoken out loud & hopefully we will be on our way to supporting not only the rspca, but I want vets to know about our charity, rescue groups, any possible cause I can notify about us...I will do it. They then can offer a desperate family our help & wether we can fund the whole bill or just a percentage...we still can be a support network that could help. More to update on my our ideas at a later date, just please know...every cent counts & will make a difference, not only for Willy, but to many more furbabies xxx

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  • Anonyme
    • $20 
    • 10 yrs
  • Abi, Zoe, Bella, Koda & Chase xxx
    • $40 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Willys friends x
    • $40 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Mrs Jelena Stoja
    • $20 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Kane Mangan
    • $10 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
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Kelly Marie Arnold
Mudjimba QLD

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