Photo principale de la cagnotte


Don protégé
My name is Porscha LaDonna Garner (maiden name Johnson). I am a tutor teacher professional of all grades (K-12) normal and special education. My college education was financed with student loans that I was encouraged (by all) to use to a total of $60,000. In my ignorance I did not factor in fees or interest or bad advice and my debt now exceeds $80,000. For the next 15 weeks (see count down) I am going to tell my story here in 15 parts (with weekly video chapter updates) while I ask for donations to liquidate my debt. With your help by the end of this 15 weeks, I will be debt free. It occurs to me that student debt is benefiting banks, schools, etc... every one except the students. What we the students are left with is insecurity, dead end jobs, and life-long servitude. How bogus is that?
Please donate and help me out of my desperate situation.
Please donate and help me liquidate the student debt I incurred in my ignorance.
Please help me stop the bankers and education charlatans from continuing to make me pay and pay and pay.
Thank you for taking the time even if you just read/viewed my request. You are much appreciated.
Faire un don

Dons (4)

  • Brian McKibbin
    • $150 
    • 5 mos
  • Tom Garner
    • $1,000 
    • 1 yr
  • Brian McKibbin
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Helaina McKibbin
    • $200 
    • 2 yrs
Devenez l'un des premiers soutiens

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Porscha Garner
Brooklyn, NY

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