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Angela Harris Battling Breast Cancer

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Hello there, my name is Robert Harris and I started this GoFundMe for my wife, Angela Harris.

For those that know her, you can skip down a bit. For those that don't, please allow me to tell you about this incredible woman. She is, by far, the kindest, warmest, and most caring person I have ever had the privilege to know. We've known each other since second grade, were boyfriend and girlfriend in fifth grade, and then became so again at the end of our junior year. Our first official date was April 22, 1993. We have been together ever since.

We are married now with two amazing kids, our son Jacob is 22 and our daughter Avery is 21. She is a cancer scientist at MD Anderson...the best place in the world for cancer research and to be treated for it, and now where she will be a patient again. Bringing us to the topic at hand...

In April of 2021, Angie had her first mammogram. They found something and needed to do a more in-depth test. This time, the results came back and they needed to do a biopsy. Turns out, that something they found was breast cancer. She looked like she got the wind knocked out of her when the doctor told her. She even asked me in the car "if this was real". She couldn't believe this was happening. But when it set in, she focused on what needed to be done and attacked the cancer like it attacked her. Seriously, she beat that stuff like it owed her money!

Surgery to remove the tumor, some slight reconstruction, 4 rounds of intense chemotherapy, hair loss (she looks like a badass bald!), then radiation. It was a complete success! Angie 1, Cancer 0

Fast-forward two years. She has an odd-looking mole pop up behind her ear. She decides to get it checked. Turns out, that mole was nothing, but that doctor found a suspicious one on her arm and another on her chest. They do a biopsy, and yes, basal cell carcinoma on her chest, and cancer again, melanoma, on her arm. She has a great doctor and gets ready for the treatment.

The Week From Hell: Tuesday morning Angie has her two-year checkup for breast cancer. She has her mammogram and everything turns up great on her left breast...the one she had cancer in two years ago. But they find something in her right breast and they need to do a biopsy right then.
Wednesday morning, she goes to have the basal cell carcinoma removed from her chest and the melanoma removed from her arm. The doctor is amazing and I'm proud to say we have since gotten the results, and it's Angie 2, Cancer 0
But then comes Thursday. The results from the biopsy are in and it's horrible news...Triple-Negative Breast Cancer!

She has an amazing doctor again at MD Anderson, but this fight will be so much harder. She will have 8 weeks (4 infusions) of chemotherapy with two medications, then 12 weeks (1 infusion each week) of another medication. After that, IF the cancer responds to chemotherapy, she will have surgery of some kind and then radiation. If the cancer doesn't respond to chemotherapy, well, we'll cross that bridge if we have to.

The last time we went through this, the out-of-pocket expenses were about $10,000. This time will be more intense and cost even more. Please, please, please, she will have enough to worry and stress about, money shouldn't be one of her worries.

Every single penny raised will go directly to her medical bills from MD Anderson. Please, give what you can. Help this amazing woman beat this horrible disease.

Together we can help make it Angie 3, Cancer 0


Robert Harris
Houston, TX

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