Raising money for my son Andys burial plot, funeral, etc
Donation protected

I'm Andy Tench's moma & by now you've all been following his story.
I originally created this go fund me in the hopes Andy was alive & we could raise enough to pay his portion of the bills til he got home & we did part of that but not from here yet or ever.
I truly appreciate each & every person who has prayed for his safe return & tried to help with that but sadly & with a hurt only a moma WHO has lost a child can truly understand, the worst happened & Andy was murdered. No matter what the pos who did it says happened I'll never believe it or ANY of his lies.
It's my place to bury my son & that's why I added on to the original go fund me. I did not know I could make 2 at the same time but all donations will be going to give MY baby the burial he deserves & he didn't have insurance & I never thought I'd have to bury my child. What parent expects that? So I didn't have insurance on him either.
My landlady is being very gracious & going to let me get 2 roommates since I live here alone & can't afford it even with a second job but she understands I'd like to stay for the memories I had with Andy.
We fussed, we debared & we butt heads all the time but no matter what we said we were going to do or not do, we ALWAYS loved each other & had each other's back.
So I'm asking this amount to be donated bc my mom & step-dad recently had there funerals & both were almost $10,000.00 & my mom had already prebought their burial plots etc. So I think this is a pretty accurate amount & I'm asking if you feel it in your heart to donate, please do. If you don't then please say a prayer my boy is found soon so he's not out wherever all alone & this moma can give him the proper burial he deserves & he can truly rest in peace & on a selfish note, so this moma can go sit with her boy & talk. I know we'll never ever have anymore of our talks back & forth but it will give me great comfort just to be near him.
Thank you all so much for your love, support, prayers & donations & I hope they'll continue.
Andy was my heart. My best friend & the world lost a beautiful, kind person & its so unfair.
I'm finally getting to grieve the loss of my son & come to terms that I'll never see him alive again & it HURTS SO BAD but with the support of all my friends & even total strangers, hopefully ill learn to accept it eventually.
U til then, rest easy Andy. You don't have to deal with any cruelty ever again just bc you were who God made you.
I love you baby & moma will see you soon.
Tracie Blanton
Belmont, NC