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Allison's High Hopes

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            Allison’s High Hopes


No one really plans on getting Cancer. My name is Allison Jensen. I am 37 yrs old. I’ve been married to my best friend Darwin for 14yrs. I am mother to Tyler (11), Kade (10) and Samantha (7).
I am fighting Adrenalcortical Carcinoma, which is a very rare cancer (one in a million). Since being diagnosed September 15, 2018, my world has been spinning upside down. I am doing everything I can to hold on to everyday moments that are more precious to me than I could ever have imagined. I am fighting for my life. Let me share with you how it all began.

In 2016, I started noticing things that didn’t feel right. Nothing too big, but very noticeable to me. I began to have itching (Head to toe) and my energy level was changing; I often felt intense fatigue. My mood would change rapidly to anger and yet I had nothing to be angry about. My doctor ran various labs that showed some minor abnormalities, but they were erratic at best. I had a liver biopsy that was normal. Throughout 2017 my symptom’s continued and my blood pressure became erratic as well. My Doctors tested for every auto immune condition possible. Because some of my test results indicated Lupus as a possible diagnosis, they began to treat me for Lupus. I actually felt a little better for a short time but my symptom’s worsened by early 2018. Now I began to gain weight and my hair started drastically thinning. I experienced worsening unexplainable bursts of anger and random chest pains. I had severe headaches daily.  I was put on an antidepressant and told I had anxiety. These explanations did not ring true to me!

My lab results now began to show severely low potassium levels and my blood pressure became uncontrolled.  I started experiencing random severe spasticity in my hands. I was referred to a Nephrologist in October of 2018. After ordering a scan of my kidneys, they found a tumor on my Adrenal gland.

At first, I was elated as I now had legitimate reasons for every symptom! My tumor was releasing large amounts of cortisol. This caused headaches, bursts of anger, weight gain and hair thinning. It made my potassium dangerously low which caused chest pains. I was grateful to finally receive answers, but with it came very discouraging news. I was told my cancer was so rare there were few treatment options.

                    I was told I was “one in a million” with this diagnosis.

Despite the a somewhat despairing diagnosis, I was now ready to fight since I knew what I was fighting. I searched out what I thought were my best treatment options and decided to participate in a study with NIH (National Institute of Health) in Baltimore Maryland. Now that my cancer had a name, I also chose to begin Chemotherapy treatment. Then in November 2018 I received clearance to have my tumor removed and proceeded with surgery.

Since November I have had time to reflect on what has happened and try to put this personal health journey in perspective.   I know that I want to continue to fight this cancer and I know exactly what I am fighting for….. I am fighting to cheer my son in his soccer games. I am fighting to put my children to bed each night. I am fighting to help Samantha on her first date. I am fighting to teach my children how to be good citizens. I am fighting to be there when my kids look for my face in the audience at graduation. I am fighting to be there to wipe away tears of discouragement.
I am fighting to be with my husband- hand in hand- because together we can do anything. I am fighting to be a mom. I am fighting to be a wife..

I am fighting to present in all the everyday moments that make up a life; the moments that make up my life.

I am fighting to continue being the big sister to my siblings, and daughter to my parents. I am fighting to be part of my great big wonderful extended family. I am fighting to be a friend to my friends. I am fighting for my dreams that are still in my future. I am fighting for more opportunities to help others. Lastly, I am fighting for every other person in a battle for their life, because as we join together, we give each other courage to hope, determination to fight, and validation of our lives and journey’s. 

I need your help. Cancer is expensive. My best treatment options for this rare cancer are in Maryland. The expenses we are incurring for travel, hotel stays, and food are enormous. I feel saddened that the financial burdens weigh heavy on my family. It is hard to know in the beginning, what the financial toll will be. It does not take long before the cost of cancer begins to be part of every decision you make and every conversation you have.

If you can donate, share my story and/or pray, know that anything you do is appreciated. Any amount will help-nothing is too small.  I am grateful for the time you take to read my story. I am grateful for any financial support you can give. I am grateful for your prayers in my behalf. Please join with me, in my fight for everyday moments with my children and family. I really believe that together, we can do anything. Please share my story



             Nothing is impossible. The word itself says " I’m Possible"
                                                                                                           Audrey Heburn


  • John Forsgren
    • $200 
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam: Allisons High Hopes (3)

Shauna Walker
Pleasant Grove, UT
Allison Jensen
Janna Anderson
Team member
Leslie Walker
Team member

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