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Alatorre's Army Against Cancer

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Joe Alatorre is 33, husband to Robyn of eight years and father to three beautiful little miracle girls, Rozlyn- 6, Gwenyth-4, and Violet-15mos. Joe is courageously fighting his THIRD battle against cancer. Joe and Robyn have been together since their teen years and have been through all three cancer diagnoses together. Joe beat Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2004 and then testicular cancer in 2006. The doctors said the possibility of kids would be very low, but Joe continued beating the odds with his three little miracle girls. He will continue to beat the odds; he just needs our help. “

On April 21st, 2018, Joe came home from work not feeling well. He went to the ER the next morning and was diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer. In June they went back in to check the ulcer and found a mass located at his GE Junction. (Thanks be to God for that ulcer , otherwise Joe wouldn’t have known!) After a biopsy and further testing the results came back as Stage III Esophageal cancer. 

In July, Robyn’s best childhood family friends, the Wainwrights, got a referral for the Alatorres, and Joe started seeing a specialized thoracic oncologist at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL. (Thanks be to God for that miracle connection!^)The doctors believe this cancer was caused from previous radiation treatment from his Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2004. Because of that, radiation cannot be used for this cancer treatment. They came up with a customized treatment plan of three different phases for Joe. 
Phase one: Strong Chemo
Phase two: Surgery
Phase three: Strong Chemo
On August 3rd ,he was hospitalized at Northwestern in Chicago for four days. They started the strong chemo and did surgery to put a port in. He’s now finished with phase one of treatment and is preparing for phase two.

Phase two of treatment is surgery. Joe will be getting an Esophagectomy on October 29th, 2018 at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL. He will be hospitalized for ten days , and they asked him to stay an additional seven days so he’s close to the hospital for monitoring. After 6-8wks of healing from surgery, Joe will begin the third phase of strong chemo around Christmastime.

This procedure will result in Joe having to sleep at a 30° incline for the rest of his life, so a specialty bed will be required. With Joe barely being able to work and Robyn working much less, there has been and will continue to be lots of travel expenses for Joe to continue to get the best treatment possible, hotel stays, and medical expenses. Donations will go directly to the family to offset all of these expenses. 

Every donation,  no matter the amount, is appreciated. Joe is an amazing husband, father, son, and friend. His family also believes in the power of prayer. Therefore, we ask that you give in that way, too. They are such an amazing family and will be beyond thankful for the donations, support, and prayer. May God repay you.


  • Robert O'Dell
    • $90 
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam: Friends and Family of Joe (2)

Christina Natalie Swain
Port Byron, IL
Summer Catour
Team member

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