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Ag Infusion Grant Match

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Ag Infusion was awarded a State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) Grant for $10,000. However, in order to take advantage of the grant, we must have the funds first and then are reimbursed for expenses. We hope gofundme will provide the initial $10,000 matching funds. The grant expires September 15. Meaning, we need funds ASAP or we lose the grant. 

Gofundme monies will be used to travel to the Philippines and have face to face meetings to negotiate distribution agreements,  continue our research and development efforts, and  efficacy testing; all leading to product registration and export sales. This is a follow up visit to last year and essentially is a testimony to the initial efficacy tests successes and continued interest in TMIN-Aid.
Product samples for research and development are expected to be provided, free of cost, to the research and development labs. In addition samples are required for product registration.  Funds will be used to produce the product samples.

Lastly, the same funds will be used to purchase a GoldKey Service (GKS) as offered by the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration. Ag Infusion will use GKS as a means to execute background reports on other potential distribution partners. The GKS background reports and vetting process lowers Ag Infusion's risk of losses for export sales and provides a low-cost service to expand globally.  

In 2016, efficacy trials were completed for General Market consumers (Hoop House Growers, ‘Farmers Market’ Growers and Back Yard Garden Enthusiasts) with positive results. For example, hoop house pests that were present and caused plant stress in the prior growing season were not present in the subsequent season when Hoop Houses Growers used TMIN-Aid. This was a huge milestone for us as proof of product effectiveness. Though it was a small group of folks, they essentially opened up the Agriculture community to us, out of kindness, not because we walked the walk or talked the talk. Similarly, efficacy trials are in progress with Plantation Growers. Banana Plantation trials called for a custom formulation specific to treating plant stress incurred by Sigatoka disease. Early results are positive, with trials expected to run through 2017. Research and Development agreements with the plantations will be finalized as soon as possible.

This is a critical path for the sucess of Ag Infusion. Your help would be greatly appreciated. For the first 25 folks pledging more than $25, we will forever hold you name on a new page on our web site that will thank you and your families for your contribution to our success. The first 25 to pledge $50 or more, a TMIN-Aid sample concentrate will be sent for personal use. If for some reason, we succed at generating $10,000 and your pledge takes us over the limit, we can refund your pledge given the right credentials. We thank you all for your time and equally wish you success.
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  • Anonyme
    • $25 
    • 7 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Valena Hernandez
Los Angeles, CA
arturo palacios

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