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A little love for Charlie and Cheryl

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It is said that "good friends are hard to find".  I think we can all agree that there is truth to that old adage.  I think we can also agree that we have all been blessed to have Charlie & Cheryl as friends in our lives.  I also think that anyone reading this who knows them at all would tell you that they are maybe the epitome of "good friends".  How many of us have been on the receiving end of the generosity of their time, their talents, and their...friendship.  Well, now they need our collective help. 

I'm sure most of you know that Charlie & Cheryl's house was broken into a number of weeks ago and that it has been devastating on their lives in many ways.  I'm sure that I'm not the only one to think "of all the people in the world that do not deserve this..."  But we all know that the universe doesn't work the way that it should sometimes.  This is our chance to try to help make things just a little bit more "right".  

What you may not know about Charlie & Cheryl's  break-in is that because of the sheer amount of what was taken, and the sheer inadequacy of most modern day homeowners insurance policies, no matter what, they are going to be on the losing end financially.  At maximum their insurance is only going to help recoup a fraction of what they lost.

"Well, at least it was just stuff!" I hear some of you saying.  Of course it is.  And that is true as far as it goes, but sometimes, as we all know,  that "stuff" is important not only to our every day lives, but that "stuff" is vitally important for us to keep our personal businesses going, our home going, our lives...going.  Sometimes that "stuff" not being there can be a huge added stress on top of the obvious stress of the fact that, you know, your whole world just feels violated.  I see Charlie every day and I can tell you first hand that for the first time since I've known him, I've seen him shaken.  Let that sink in for those of you who know him.

With that said, I'd like to challenge each of you reading this to think about something that Charlie or Cheryl has done for you in the past and to show your appreciation with a donation.  I'm sure we've all said our piece on Facebook or whatever, but now it's time for a little more "action".   It doesn't have to be big. $1, $5, $10...$100...whatever.  It's not the amount that counts at all.  This is certainly a "powers in numbers" thing, but please give what you can.  Any dent we can collectively make in the monetary hole that has been left by this unfortunate event, I know, would mean more to them that you can realize.   I've set the goal at $1000, but I'd love to blow past that if we can!!

Please share this with anyone and everyone that you know that knows Charlie & Cheryl.  I can't believe that anyone who does would not want to pitch in to help.

Thank you to everyone.

Chris MacMIllan
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