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A Fund for Black-led Women Transitional Home

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Black Lives Matter.

Black Mental Health Matters.


The courage it takes for a woman to leave her abuser is immense, but unfortunately it is not enough. It takes an entire community. – Doreen Niccol

Imani’s Place is the community that women need to escape abuse and create a better life. Lisa Ogbole is a survivor and she believes in helping others survive, too. Lisa endured 8 years of domestic violence and lost much of herself during this time. But she didn’t lose her drive or her desire to help others. In 2019, she founded Imani’s Place so that she could help women in similar situations.

Imani’s Place is a Black led safe refuge for women who are victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, and other forms of abuse. During their time at Imani’s Place, women start healing from trauma and begin making long term plans for a safe, productive, and healthy future. Services provided include medical assistance, essentials like food and clothing, support groups, education, legal support, assistance with housing, weekly classes, and transportation. Without Imani’s Place many of these women would remain at significant risk of being harmed. 


The work Imani’s Place does is often difficult but the mission is simple: to provide supports and services that will protect and rehabilitate victims of human trafficking and domestic violence in a safe and non-judgemental environment. The organization works within a set of core values that include respect, equity, authenticity, compassion, and honesty.

During their extended stay with us, women learn life skills and can further their education, they learn how to secure jobs, they begin the transition to safer housing, and they get ready for a successful new life. Since opening their doors, Imani’s Place has already hosted 5 women and 2 children and helped them to heal, learn, and grow. 

Women don’t get left behind or left out at Imani’s Place. They are lifted up and propelled towards a better future. Here is a testimonial from one of our clients who survived human trafficking and is now on her way to a more secure future that includes safe housing and an in-demand skillset ready for the job market.

“I was hopeless and had nowhere to go until I met Lisa from Imani’s Place. She was so warm and caring. The staff helped me with shelter, food, counselling, appointments, online school courses, always there for me no matter what time it was and much more. I am becoming a better version of myself and I love it. I appreciate everything Imani’s Place has one for me!”

‘’I have dreamt of this day for 3 years. Thank you Imani’s place for thinking about people like me. I am excited about what the future holds for me and my kids''


More work is needed. Our short-term goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of July so that Imani’s Place can continue to welcome the women who need our support. Our longer-term goal is to raise $100,000. This money will help women have a safe place to begin the process of healing and become the best versions of themselves.


Imani’s Place is different from other women’s shelters in several important ways.

1.         This is a survivor-led organization which means we truly understand the emotional and physiological trauma our clients have endured. We use this understanding to build deep connections with the women who join us. We also embody the possibility of a happy and safe life after abuse.

2.         We provide long term accommodation and support. We support women for up to 2 years. Our extended-stay model is important because physical and psychological injuries of abuse take time to heal. The important work of healing must be underway when beginning to move forward with things like education, housing, and employment.

3.         We provide a safe place for marginalized women. Imani’s Place is a Black-led organization. The women here don’t need the extra burden of dealing with discrimination or racism as they focus on their recovery and future. Racism occurs in women’s shelters across the country. Women of colour are already a vulnerable population and continue to suffer discrimination and macroaggressions even in the places they are supposed to be safe. Many shelters are predominantly non-black, both the clients and the staff, and these demographics can be alienating for anyone from a non-majority group. This can become a barrier to accessing supports and services.


Our services are needed now, more than ever. Staying home was supposed to keep us safe from coronavirus but for many women, home is not safe at all. According to the Government of Canada, domestic abuse has increased since March by 20%. Many women who are financially dependent on abusive partners now have even fewer options for reporting abuse or accessing services. In April, 1 in 10 Canadian women reported being “extremely concerned about the possibility of facing violence in the home”. One of these women is your friend, co-worker, neighbour, or relative.   


Many of you want to help, but don’t know where to start. A simple and impactful way to help is by donating to Imani’s Place. Our short-term goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of July and our longer-term goal is to raise $100,000 this year. This money will have a direct and long-lasting effect on the women we support. It will go towards things like:

1)  Mental health Counselling Sessions

2)  Meals

3)  Therapeutic intervention    

4)  Hire Essential worker

5)  Transportation

6)  PPE Equipment 

7)  Chrome Book for distance learning

8)  Life skills training classes

9)  Utility Bills 

Your donation makes a real difference to the women who need Imani’s Place. Please share our story with your family, friends, and on social media. Together, we will build a community free from violence, where women are safe, healthy, and productive. Thank you for being a part of a better future with us!

Right now, we are focusing on getting through this pandemic. We then hope to grow Imani’s Place to serve more of our communities through the GTA with the principles of community empowerment.

You can learn more on our website: www.imanisplace.org

If you’d like to know more about the work this fund will be doing, or connect with us, please email us at: [E-Mail ausgeblendet] or follow us on instagram, facebook and twitter @imanisplace1

Lisa Ogbole

Executive Director, Imani'sPlace

 P.S Our website is having a full makeover; it will be available in the coming days


  • Shernett Case
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $8 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $10 
    • 3 yrs
  • Alicia Buckley
    • $5 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $40 
    • 3 yrs

Spendenteam: Black women support group (3)

Lisa Jaden
Shernett Case
Team member
Kimbra Iket
Team member

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