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Update: Steves New Wheelchair

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Dear Friends,

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone that has supported Steve over the holidays. We raised a total of $14,190.00 including a match from a very generous brother ($7,095 in matching funds). I have to say, it was the our anonymous brother from Texas that challenged me, and with his support we made a significant impact on Steve and his family. Not only was Steve supported, but I was personally rewarded with amazing phone calls from Brothers I haven't spoken with in years. I also became aware of Brothers, Friends and Family that have been contributing monthly via the original "Brother's Keeper" effort that total over $1,000 a year (this unsung effort has been going on for years) and that support goes to paying Steve's health insurance. We are so fortunate to have dear and generous friends. It comes at a critical time for Steve and I cannot thank you enough.

UPDATE: I have a very exciting proposition from a SigEp Brother from the Class of 1990. He's said he will match up to $10,000 in contributions to support Steve's ongoing expenses including upgrading his van to accommodate his new chair. Donations can be made here, or tax deductible donations may be sent to:
Pastor Max Ramsey (SigEp Brother)
Please make a check out to "Immanuel" and write "Wheelchair Fund" in the memo blank.
Immanuel c/o Pastor Max 4250 N. 137th Street Brookfield, WI 53005.

If you send a check, let me know. All checks will also be recorded here as we strive to reach out ultimate goal.

Thank you!!!


...The last update was December, 2015, and if you can believe it, Steve finally took delivery of his new chair this December 4, 2017. It's been a long haul, but the excitement and joy it's brought Steve is worth it. Thank you!!!

The past couple of years have been particularly difficult for Steve. With the excitement of our fund raising, he took at test drive of a standing wheelchair. In the process he suffered a significant health issue. That precipited a long and difficult process of recovery and finally getting his new chair. 

The support he has had in acquiring this chair has changed his life. Since it took two years, he continues to face financial challenges, and its a constant struggle to meet monthly expenses (though you'd never know it - Steve is a private and humble guy that doesn't want to ask for help). 

So we continue this GoFundMe site to ask for support.

We are asking for either a one-time gift and/or a monthly gift. Both are really important. One time gifts will go toward the equipment, and monthly will be for his living expenses. Please consider helping out, and if you'd like to make a larger tax-deductible gift by check, please let me know. 

Please spead the word. Ask friends to circulate our campaign to their friends and so on...

Thanks for continuing to support our special friend in his struggle to live a long, fulfilling life.

Richard "Evil" Wiklund

About Steve...

In 1991 Steve dove into the American River in California, damaging his spinal cord and has been paralyzed from the neck down ever since.  The truth of this statement hits hard. He was once able to walk, able to dance, able to hug, shake hands and all of those things that we imagine that he can't do now- he could do then. He lives in Hobe Sound Florida with his lovely wife Jayne.  They just recently celebrated their 10th Wedding Anniversary this past Christmas. 

Since Steve's accident many of us have grown to know a new Steve, one who has traversed a tough terrain and does it with grace, one who inspires others and reminds us to count our blessings.

But despite these silver linings, Steve continues to face challenges that not many of us can imagine. Steve does not receive assistance that is even close to sufficient. Medical bills, a myriad of medications, home health aides, equipment for Steve's care, mobility and safety devices are not covered enough through Medicare or other programs. It is inconceivable that a person who cannot move his arms or legs and has no voluntary functions below his shoulders, is not provided for, but this is the reality.

Perhaps this sheds some light on how challenging his situation really is. We are hoping people out there will empathize with his situation and be willing to help. We will be happy to provide any additional information people may want. 

Those of you contributing are a blessing to Steve and to all of us who love him. To say "thank you" seems trite, as we cannot express how grateful we truly are for your generosity and selflessness. Please give and hit the share buttons below to spread the word.


  • Anthony Sipe
    • $15 
    • 5 yrs
  • Virginia Franco
    • $120 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Joe Casey
    • $120 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Mitch
    • $600 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Todd Haymore
    • $120 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Rich Wiklund
Hobe Sound, FL
Steve Caputo

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