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Diabetic Alert Dog for Sawyer

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Our 5 year old son, Sawyer was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in December of 2017. We were taken by surprise by the news but the power of prayer has given us strength as a family and we know that God ultimately has a beautiful plan for our Sawyer. We continue to be so proud and impressed by Sawyer’s bravery each and every day.  With at least 9 finger pokes and 5 insulin shots per day - he powers through and rarely ever complains. 
Sawyer is still new to diabetes and it’s hard to find a good balance between all of the high and low blood sugars. This will continue to be challenging as he grows and develops.  However, our BIGGEST fear is to miss a critical low blood sugar during the night. A low blood sugar during any time is extremely dangerous and potentially fatal, but is most dangerous during the night when help is not right next to him.
This is why we are asking for your help. Would you help us raise funds to have a diabetic alert dog join our family? Sawyer’s dog would:
-sense when Sawyer’s blood sugar is dropping 15 minutes before any electronic device (such as his Dexcom) will pick it up.
-save Sawyer’s life at night if his blood sugar is dropping by waking him and us up. The dog will escalate his alert until answered! The dog will NOT let Sawyer go low without SOMEONE answering his alert. How amazing is that?!?!?
- often times the dogs will also be able to smell other issue going on such as infections, illnesses or injury’s before he would show any symptoms! 
-this dog will provide companionship for Sawyer during those times when he may feel alone with this disease. The dog will go through it with him and be his best friend through it all. 
-this dog may be the ONLY part of diabetes that doesn’t cause him pain. This dog will be his outlet during his times of struggle. 
A companion like this would help keep our sweet son Sawyer alive. (Not to mention provide great peace of mind for us as his parents.)
We would be so incredibly grateful to anyone who donates-helping us get closer to our goal of getting him an alert dog. Thank you so much for reading our story, and please share if you can. God bless  ️ 

List of what the funds will be used for: 
- Best fit Dog + 3 months of dog training -$8,975
-3 day family training 
-2 night hotel stay for family training $400
-3 days of child care for the little boys during    family training $150 
-dog supplies (kennel, bowls, leash, food etc) $300


  • Maddi Sieck
    • $25 
    • 5 yrs


Lecy Allely
Malvern, IA

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