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OneWorld Roller Derby

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There is something unique and empowering about roller derby which is now the fastest growing sport in the world.


OneWorld Roller Derby is a community designed for growth and inclusiveness. We are on a mission to mainstream the sport of roller derby through instruction and athleticism, making it accessible to anyone in the community. Our members range from people wanting to to learn how to skate to All Star levels of play.


We offer classes to the public through the Seattle Parks Department as well as a local community college, and in January of 2013 will begin teaching a class through the City of Bellevue at the South Bellevue Community Center.

We believe that life is about helping one another through the pack, which is not limited to roller derby. 


Our funding raised here will be used for insurance costs, skater scholarships, legal and administrative fees, PR, marketing and will help us build our dream of a facility of our own.


Most leagues have the criteria of skaters being required to work on committees to be eligible to skate. For a skater that has a career, a family, or other obligations in life this can make roller derby as stress-producing as it is stress-relieving.


Our business model is established to truly mainstream the sport of roller derby, allowing skaters to just show up to skate as well as create jobs for people along the way.


OneWorld Roller Derby SPC is a Social Purpose Corporation: 


OWRD SPC Mission statement: to mainstream the sport of roller derby and to contribute to personal health and wellness for all participants by creating an environment to learn, increase self confidence, realize potential, make social connections and experience overall growth through the sport of roller derby with an emphasis on sportsmanship, positive attitudes and athleticism.


OneWorld Roller Derby Games Organization is a 501c3 Non Profit.


OWRDGO Mission Statement: a non profit corporation that will create funding for a flat track, a facility and a banked track and create venues for all OneWorld Roller Derby community members of all skill levels to participate in events



Here is how we explain it on our website:

                      What IS OneWorld Roller Derby?

We are a company / corporate structure FOR skaters BY skaters that is trying to increase the accessibility of Roller Derby to anyone wishing to learn. 

We are also developing a competitive element for All Star and Travel Team skaters.

Due to the difficulties that some skaters or leagues in particular areas have accessing the ever-growing incredible WFTDA organization, we feel that an alternative derby community must form to co-exist alongside of them.

Do we think our circuit is or will be "better" than WFTDA? :..NO, not at all.  We have nothing but respect for their accomplishments in reviving roller derby, which gave anyone now skating  derby a chance to learn and participate in this phenomenal sport.

We hope to train many skaters that eventually realize their dream of being on their favorite WFTDA league and at the same time,  we can offer skaters or leagues anywhere, opportunities to join an alternative derby community that isn't just women, and isn't just flat track. There are different fits for different people.

Our beginning league practices are similar to the amazing and fantastic Derby Lite from Chicago, formed by Barbara Dolan, who is one of the coolest women in the world.  Derby Lite now has facilities across the nation preparing skaters to try out for their local competitive leagues. Stax OneWorld Roller Derby simply has the additional component that offers competition.

Another aspect of OneWorld Roller Derby allows any league to become an affiliate of OneWorld Roller Derby.  We license our branding / logo for them to use, as well as offer resources or structure to begin, or to further their leagues.

OneWorld Roller Derby has no ownership, management or day to day hands on communication whatsoever with Affiliate leagues. We offer resources, a webpage and skater pages, or link to their website from ours. 

We also offer resources to any leagues regardless of affiliation.  Why would we do this? We are hoping to build our circuit of competition. We are in the truest sense of the word "Sharing the derby love".

For leagues that are current affiliate OWRD leagues, nothing will change. We can scrimmage and play together with agreed upon rule sets, offering your league ongoing support in any way possible.

September 28th & 29th 2013 we will be hosting our first OneWorld Roller Derby USARS Tournament and workshops at Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe WA.

We are currently recruiting coaches and volunteers  who would like to participate.   We'll have on-skates workshops and USARS rules clinics to help anyone learn.  We welcome all skaters of any affiliation to join us and have some fun at a family friendly event.

If there is demand, we can also hold scrimmages with OSDA or MADE rules.

Derby LOVE!



In 2013 we will begin working to find a facility of our own for practice space and the goal is to offer flat track and banked track roller derby for men, women, coed and junior skaters.  

This is WHY I am working full time to mainstream the sport of Roller Derby:

I've always wanted to try Roller Derby but have been held back by my Severe Migraines. Making the commitment to a team sport felt selfish because of the possibility of letting them down. So when I found this Roller Derby Class through North Seattle, it was a perfect opportunity to try it out. I was immediately hooked. The coach, The Hot Flash, Is the kindest, most accepting person I've ever met. She's created an atmosphere free of intimidation where we are all accepted. Because of One World I have a place where I can learn Roller Derby at my own pace.

I loved the idea of roller derby, but I didn't have the time or the skills for a league. Then I found One World. My whole life changed. I can play a sport that I love, and still have time for my family. Everyone there is encouraging, and super nice. Even if you've never skated before in your life, you learn the skills you need to succeed. Whether you decide to stay, or take your new-found skills to another league, everyone is super supportive of everyone else!

OWRD is a skaters dream! You can come here with or without experience and be accepted and nourished by the fellow skaters and coaches here. You don't want to be on a team? Don't have to! You can come just to learn and be a part of it recreationally. Want to reach for the stars? We have the training and multi level teams that compete frequently in order to prepare you for that.

OWRD is like a derby multi-vitamin- rich with everything you need from the sport and community. I feel loved, appreciated, and challenged- and that's all I ever wanted from this sport and more. If you've ever even wondered what it would be like to strap on a pair of skates - please join us! Your confidence will sky rocket, your muscles will grow, and you'll wind up making amazing friends. Come one come all!!!

OWRD offered me a place to play derby when the other local leagues were too competitive. OWRD changed by life and that of many women offering a excellent instructional non competitive learning environment that grows from there to be whatever each individual skater would like it to be for them. No matter what a persons specific skill level they have something to gain and even more something to offer the group. I have improved athletically, made wonderful friends and watched mine and others confidence and self esteem sore to the sky!

OWRD offered a Beginning Roller Derby class at Magnuson Park, and I was excited to learn a new sport and stay fit. Having hit middle age like a brick wall, I didn't think I had anything to lose in learning roller derby!What I ended up gaining was so much more. This is a community of skaters in all senses...a group of women who support each other on and off skates with little drama and a common love for derby. There's a wonderful "skate hard, play hard" ethic in all practices and my skating skills have gone from 12-yr old rolling around in the basement to actual speed and agility! Best thing that has every happened to me...really!

Derby has for sure changed my life. I've never been a part of organized sports, considered myself an athlete, or thought I was good enough to participate in something like this. I'd always watched from the sidelines, wishing I felt confident enough to participate. Then I stumbled on One World one day, saw that ANYONE could come out to skate, regardless of ability and thought I'd give it a try. It took a little cajoling from a friend to actually walk through the door that first practice, but once I did I was hooked! As I improve in my skating skills and grow more and more confident on my skates, I find that confidence transferring to all aspects of my life. And since I'm feeling more and more confident, it pushes me to try harder during practice, which then just makes me better! It's a fantastic confidence-snow-ball-effect!!!!! Self-esteem has never been a strength for me, but when someone tell me I've done well, or when something finally clicks, I realize "I can do this!!!" And that's an amazing feeling. Derby Love!!!!!!!!

This past year I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks and I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, whatever that means. To me it means not having control over myself and my life which has been paralyzing to me and my family. Just the fact that I go to derby I am proving to myself that I can get my life back. Just driving alone to the new practice location was a major milestone for me, as simple as that sounds. Struggling with getting to practice, going to practice, gets buried by the fact that once I get there, I am me. I have a great time, with great, supportive people. It feels good.

roller derby changed my life. it is the only sport where a woman, aged 50, can join and actually believe in herself as a high-end athlete (my daughter started the league and i got to hand out our gear on my 50th birthday...what a great day!). i am just amazed that i can achieve that goal when most high-end athletes have long retired. i'm not the strongest, fastest or the best in my league, i'm freshmeat for the second go, but it doesn't matter. i'll get there and the other girls in the league are backing me all the way. one year ago i was a fat, unhealthy smoker looking at an early grave...i'm still a chunk but have quit smoking and am healthier than i've been since i was a teenager! (now if i could just get comfortable skating "the other way" so my legs could be the same size again!! haha!)

I am the weakest skater in my league and I've gone a lot of years being unathletic, so it is taking plenty of time to beat it into my body! I don't mind asking for help sometimes, but I am also a bit of an introvert, so it can be intimidating. I have failed my first level assessments once and my second level assessments once (level 2s come before we are officially able to begin scrimmaging), and I am getting ready to reassess for the final time this year. If I don't do it, I will need to start over as a newbie next fall. What the heck - I will only be 43! I have still never achieved my 25 in 5. I am doing my best to never be a quitter and I think my league is doing a pretty good job sticking by me and wanting me to succeed. As a WFTDA apprentice league, they are striving to maintain that balance between keeping the teams high level and inclusive, I think. I like to say that I am an introverted underachiever, and I have never stuck with somethi ng that I am not automatically good at for as long as I have stuck with this, even when I have felt mortified by my own monumental suckitude. I am pretty proud of myself.

I skate roller derby for the excercise, to stay healthy, and be in the best athletic shape I can be in. Skating is one of the best excercises I can think of for my self, it strenthens my muscles, helps with balance, keeps me in shape, excercises my heart and lungs to an extreme, and I just plain (Love) to skate because it's so darn fun. You also get the enjoyment of sharing something you love to do with a huge group of women who love the same thing, and want to improve on themselves at the same time. Also love the enjoyment of seeing others improve at something that they thought they would never be able to do. I love roller derby <3

I started skating with OneWorld this summer to get back into roller derby as a skater rather than a coach. I found that Hot Flash has created an environment where skaters can learn at their own pace in safe and instructional practice. How cool. And OneWorld is a drama-free zone, so when issues arise, we try to confront and deal with them right away. I decided to offer some more of own time to helping coach and build the new Tacoma Roller Derby league within OneWorld organization in partnership with Toxic 253. I believe that South King County can benefit from this approach to roller derby as we give back to our community. And yes, we are playing competitively, too. We are having games and will continue to train all players to their highest potential.

You gotta check this out if you want to skate roller derby for years to come without spending half your time in injury status. We love derby, and all are welcome. :-)

Whatever your roller derby goal is (competition, exercise, to try something new), OneWorld is a great place to achieve it. Every week I look forward to skating, and every week I am amazed by this community. At OneWorld practices I have skated with seasoned derby players that are always willing to help, with skaters that are on skates for the first time, and with skaters that have never even seen roller derby. It is always a positive experience - everyone is welcome. I think a lot of that can be credited to Hot Flash's coaching. She wants the skaters to be safe, to have fun, and to improve.

wanted to feel like you are missing something? Like you don't want to look back and wish you would have tried? That was why I made my decision to join OneWorld. I wish I would have done it a very long time ago!

From the minute I arrived, I felt welcome and part of something special. Hot Flash, Bea and Meredith are super welcoming and patient.

I haven't skated since junior high and I am rapidly approaching the end of my 30's. I feel like a kid again when I skate. I cannot express enough how awesome OneWorld is. Thanks you, Ladies!

I've been wishing some roller girls would make a place to skate where you have the option of NOT getting your head bashed around - and they finally did! It wasn't intimidating and I learned how to do a "transition" (coming to a complete stop by turning 180 degrees). Can't wait to go again!

I have been a part of One World Roller Derby for several months and I have learned how to be a confident skater. I have become stronger, more agile and learned the skills necessary to skate safely. The Hot Flash is a great coach who is always there to offer words of encouragement and tips on how to become stronger. She teaches us the basics at each practice but is gradually incorporating other skills so we are constantly improving and challenging ourselves but doing so in a safe environment. I have also had the opportunity to skate with the other two coaches of Bellevue and Tacoma and they are just great. They are knowledgeable, helpful and encouraging. This is a great place for anyone who wants to do derby but wants to do it within their comfort level. If you just want to practice and not get hit that is fine, if you are just learning to skate you are welcome and if you are an experienced skater or derby competitor there is a place for you as well. There are many levels of participation offered at One World which makes it the perfect match for you! By the way One World is also co-ed everyone is welcome~

I've been to three One World practices now and each time I've learned a lot. The Hot Flash is a great coach and has given me some great tips that have made me a better, more stable skater. (Veronica Vicious coached one of the sessions and she was great too. She also gave me a great tip which really helped with my transitions [turning oneself backwards while skating]).

The coaches are encouraging and give skaters individual attention. I didn't start skating until I was almost 40 and The Hot Flash has been very inspirational to me!

I think it is great to to have a place you can go, and regardless of size or ability...go in and they welcome you as if you have been there the entire time. They help fit your gear if you don't have any, make sure they know your skill level and take you through each step. There are advanced skaters who help out and in just a few weeks it is really easy to see the improvements. I know this place isn't all about derby, it's about becoming a better person and athlete. The derby community can be rough, this is a nice port in the storm. Highly recommended.

I have been interested in skating derby for awhile but felt that I might be a bit too old to keep up with the other skaters. When I went to my first practice with One World I was very excited to learn that all skill levels were welcome and it was a learn at your own pace class. I was even surprised at how quickly I could get back on a pair of skates after twenty some odd years. If you have been curious about learning to skate derby but hesitating to start, come out to a One World practice. You can just watch or try it out. The environment is very nonjudgmental. The skaters are all welcoming and the coaches are excellent.

I'm a fairly new skater but I'm learning things super fast with this group. All skill levels practice together and seperately and we break off into different groups for different skills which lets you bounce around and work on different things. It's never the same practice twice, you will get to learn a little bit of everything even as a beginner and I really love that. It's also fun, which is super importiant when you are trying to learn something like derby. The coaches are supportive and positive with the group and individuals. Hot Flash is the best coach I have ever had in any sport and all the coaches follow her vision of being positive and supportive. Highly recommend OWRD!

This is really one of the most positive places to work on any skills beginning or advanced that you want to work on! You get to skate with great people and get a great workout in a no-pressure-everyone -cheering-you-on atmosphere. It is the best place to get started or advance to whatever derby level you want to! here I am, a 40-something mom of two whose gotten really fit over the past few years and used to skate when I was younger. I start skating again and get connected to some groups but where is a group that accomodates ALL skaters regardless of age, experience, or gender? One World Roller Derby of course!! Seattle Roller Derby has classes through the Parks Dept at Magnuson Community Center for youth as well as adult skaters. My 9 year old daugher is loving her derby class and I am loving the adult classes, in addition to the league practices (Bellevue Roller Derby's are currenting @ Bellevue Skate King on Tuesday nights from 8:30-10:30) and Seattle Roller Derby will soon have Sunday practice times (TBA)). Everybody can skate and everybody is welcome

Going into this, I was so ready to be intimidated. I mean I'm a little on the chubby side and the last sport I played (bar league softball) gave me more drinking time than playing time (not that I'm complaining), so I'm certainly not all that athletic.

I've never successfully learned how to skate.....until I joined this league. I went into this league wobbling and falling everywhich way, and by the end of the month I can do crossovers and T-stops with the best of them.

It's the most fun I've had learning a new skill, and I really can't say enough nice things about our Derby instructors. I'm a person who gets VERY easily frusterated, and it's nice having them around to not only teach you (wonderfully might I add), but don't make you feel like you aren't good enough, and get behind each and every person and make them feel good about their little victories.

I'm serious. You gotta try this!

I've been a street skater most of my life in NYC mostly and played a little roller hockey. Roller derby has always looked pretty fun, just never heard of a co-ed league. Can't wait until this makes it to my neck of the woods!

I recently just finished the 6 class sessions at Magnuson Community Center, and I have to say, the experience was has been awesome!

The first class I was so worried that I was going to look and feel dumb since I'm not a strong skater and have no roller derby experience. In the first 5 minutes, I realized that everyone in the class was there for fun, with varying degrees of skills. Our instructor was amazing. She explained things so well, made everyone feel so comfortable and made things fun! You soon forget that you're getting a workout and begin developing skills that you never knew you had!

I would highly recommend joining. I can't wait for the next round of classes to start!

I have always been intrigued with Derby. When I learned of lessons for beginners, I could not sign uo fast enough. It turns out that I am not much of a skater but with only 5 classes in, my confidence is building and I am having great fun. If only I didn';t have to work and could skate more... The classes are fun, a good work out and I never feel that my skill level is a problem. Love the support and positive attitude.

No matter what you are looking to get out of Derby, this is the place to do it! It really is for EVERYBODY! Whether you are an experienced skater, or just "Derby Curious". Fantastic coaches that support, encourage, and teach. This is a place where we all help each other to be our best, and have TONS of fun doing it!

This has opened my eyes into the Derby world and created a new love for myself.

I always wanted to try Derby but was always way to scared. I came out to this and was welcomed with open arms. Everyone is so willing to help and assist where needed.

This is a great thing if you are just wanting to get a work out and or eventually try Derby as a full sport.

I encourage everyone to come out and at least try it once. I am sure you will return.



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Donna 'thehotflash' Kay

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