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Juliahnna Keith NEEDS your support!

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          Hi all! Christa here, with a humble heart, urgently asking you all for your support.  As many of you know, my daughter Juliahnna, has had numerous health issues for over a year now.  We have previously been pretty private about these issues and our concerns, but as life would have it, we are finding ourselves in a financial hardship trying to find a diagnosis and the best treatments.  
          The first diagnosis last year was thought to be diabetes. After a lot of tests , including a week at UCSF, we found out that she doesn't have diabetes but something endocrine related.  We left with a Continuous Glucose Meter (CGM) placed in her abdomen that she changes weekly and no real definitive answers as to the "what?" and "why?" behind her symptoms.  

     As time goes  on her symptoms continue to worsened and she ended her first year of High School on Independent study at home for the last two months because many days she can barely get out of bed.  It seems new symptoms arise almost weekly and there is a big concern for an autoimmune disease.  We have been referred to several specialists at UCSF; including a Geneticist, Gastroenterologist, Urologist, and Internal Medicine.  
          Many of these tests are covered by her insurance, but there are several tests , especially the genetic ones, that are not covered.  Currently, we rely on my 87 Honda to get her back and forth to San Francisco (a 3.5 hr drive).  We've been unable to get a primary Dr here in town, so she has remained with her Dr. in Humboldt County (3 hrs away).  While some of her tests can be performed here, many still have to be done in San Francisco, as do her follow-up appointments.  

          Some of her medications are also not covered by insurance because they aren't approved for her age to be provided by them.  While this is something we are fighting, it is a process and has proved to be difficult financially. 
    At this time we are asking for financial support with her upcoming tests, her medications and other things needed to manage her symptoms, as well as car repairs, gas and lodging (if needed).  The week I spent in the hospital with Juliahnna was very expensive.  We are anticipating at least one, possibly two more stays.
          If you cannot help financially, don't fret!  We have other needs as well.  Along with financial support we also need spiritual support.  We truly believe in the power of prayer and so prayer warriors unite!! :-)  While we try to repair our vehicle, we also need help with transportation at times.  My parents help bring us to appointments and such, but they live nearer to SF than we do, so to get us to the appointments take them over 6 hrs, plus the drive back home!  When we do leave, we need help watching our dogs, feeding our fish, and watering our plants :-)  
          I cannot thank you all enough for your help so far and am looking forward to finally receiving some answers for my daughter and with that, hopefully some relief from her symtpoms.  I miss my daughters spirit and my heart breaks for her and all the pain and discomfort she's in.  Hugs and Love to each of you!



  • Linda Moran
    • $100 
    • 7 yrs
  • Anonym
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    • 7 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $200 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Christa Floyd
Redding, CA

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