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At the age of 51 years old I find myself dealing with a disease that has changed my life, CRPS1.  It is a rare disease that no one really understands. I now live with chronic pain everyday. I  never thought I would be in this position, but then, who does? Ha, I guess life is full of surprises.  I usually don’t share  my personal life, I guess I have felt everyone has their own challenges they are facing, but here it is...

My name is Danette. I have been been diagnosed with CRPS1.  I am raising money for a Sensory Sound Bed to help with CRPS. 

 The sensory sound bed uses frequencies sent through air, like in an air mattress, to help the red blood cells in our body expand in their capacity to carry oxygen. It does this by getting them out of a clumping formation through the vibration of sound frequencies. When the red blood cells are clumped together it makes it difficult for them to carry the full amount of oxygen and function properly.

CRPS 1- stands for chronic regional pain syndrome. The 1 is the classification.

Living with chronic pain has changed my life. For me it has affected my left foot and the area to above my ankle. I have icy hot fiery pain, aching vise grip pain, and sometimes when taking a shower the water feels like razor blades hitting my foot. I used to be a very active person. I enjoyed biking, walking, CrossFit, hiking and any type of activity. I began having difficulty walking then I noticed it progressed quickly and within a few months I was not able to go Christmas shopping with my grandchildren.
The pain in my foot was so severe that I would have to take my shoe off and sit down for the rest of the day. Then over the next few months, it was to the point of not being able to wear sock or shoe at times on my left foot.

CRPS has limited my life to sitting and not standing on my feet for more than 10 minuets at a time and sometimes less. The smallest of tasks, like getting out of bed, or getting up from a chair  has become difficult. I feel old, helpless, and hopeless in less than one years time. Which all of this has led me into battling depression for the first time in my life.  The smallest of tasks can be difficult.

The CRPS affects the nerves and reduces the blood flow and oxygen of the red blood cells to the part of the body that is affected. 

My team of doctors discovered that I had CRPS by performing a triple phase bone scan on my left foot. The point of the triple phase bone scan is to identify how much blood flow is getting to the affected extremity. Through this process they confirmed the CRPS because I have reduced blood flow, reduced oxygen, to my left foot. This is a rare disease and they say there is no cure.
However, I am seeking healing through every avenue possible.  I am believing  in total healing.

In August I participated in a clinical trial study where I received 4 blood infusions of Neridronic Acid to help cure the CRPS. 

For more insight and understanding please go to this link or see the links at the end of my story for more information

They say it is possibly caused by injury or stress. I can’t remember an injury but I can remember years of emotional stress. All the years of disappointment, hopelessness, and heart ache took a toll on me. Hope differed truly does make the heart sick. I only share that to stress the importance of understanding emotions and the energy around them so that others will understand how serious it is to not dismiss your needs as I did.
I am in a position with no money, no college education. I am not able to get a loan or a credit card to help me with the purchase of  this sensory sound bed.  I am rebuilding my health and my life but I need your help.

My children are all grown up now but during those years of marriage I was a stay at home mom with a high school education. I poured myself into my husband, his business, my family and into helping others.

I have been a care free, strong active person my whole life. My outlook has been that “life is good” and that life is an adventure. I took the good with the bad and kept on going. However, I didn’t see this disease as an adventure when I first found out. I felt hopeless once again and felt like I was suffering another injustice.

Now I see the CRPS it has taken me into a deeper purpose in life.

Since getting diagnosed with CRPS, I set my intentions to heal. I needed to discover how to help myself. I discovered that no one understand this disease unless they have it or are in a medical profession that treats the chronic pain. Along the way I found Carolyn Myss and her teachings of emotions causing energy congestion in the body which may lead to disease in the body. I knew emotions affected us on a cellular level because of all the years I have spent helping others process emotionally. When I applied this to my life, I discovered that all the years of denying my needs, not processing my emotions and keeping myself busy so that I could push through another day was actually harming myself.

As I have sought out an answer to help myself heal, I recently discovered a doctor in Canada that has invented a “sensory sound bed”.
This bed sends frequencies through air in a mattress as the body lays on it. It is much like lying on a air mattress. This sensory sound bed helps the body increase the intake of oxygen into the red blood cells. Which increases the capacity of the red blood cells to function properly by distributing oxygen to the body. The sensory sound bed’s frequencies help the red blood cells expand in their capacity to carry oxygen by getting them out of a clumping formation. When the red blood cells are clumped together they can not function as they were designed to.

This pic true shows the difference in what the Sensory Sound bed does to promote proper oxygen health and vitality to the red blood cells.  
Level 3 -before the sensory sound bed
Level 2 -after two 30 min sessions on the bed
Level 3- after three 30 min session on the bed.

It is my understanding that this sensory sound bed has also had positive effects on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. There are no proven clinical studies yet, but the results have been really good.

The sensory sound bed is hope for me and hope for others, as I want to offer it to others who suffer from CRPS and other diseases.

Please join with me and help to make a difference.

I need a total of 6 thousand U.S. dollars for the Sensory Sound Bed.

However in order to order it I need to have a $3,000 dollar deposit as soon as possible to order the bed.

                      Wouldn’t it be amazing to
                       have all the 6 thousand
                       raised for this cause on the
                 By the end of November which is
              awareness of CRPS month.?

              CONTRIBUTION YOU CAN GIVE. ***

 Please support CRPS awareness and wear orange on Mon



  • Joe Castle
    • $25 
    • 6 yrs


Danette Marie
Delaware, OH

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