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Help Stacey Beat Cancer Fund!

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Stacey Andrew had several things to look forward to during the summer of 2017.  She had recently accepted a new job, was looking forward to her 30th High School Class Reunion and her daughter Samantha had earned enough money from her cookie sales to pay for Girl Scout Camp!  At 48 years old, cancer wasn't even on Stacey's radar...

Here is Stacey's Story...
Stacey went to urgent care on August 24th because she was experiencing some pain in her side.  The doctor ordered a CT scan and a colonoscopy was scheduled for September 13th.  The following day Stacey was given the news that she had colon cancer.  I can only imagine in that moment, time stood still, as it would for anyone receiving this diagnosis.  

The next few weeks were a blur of emotion as Stacey endured many tests to determine the best course of action.  Stacey met with the surgeon on September 18th and he was optimistic that the tumor was superficial and would respond well to surgery.   Stacey went in for a follow-up CT scan, as well as an MRI and met with her surgeon only to discover his original plan was no longer an option.  The tumor had penetrated the colon wall and spread to four lymph nodes.  She was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer.

Stacey's oncologist recommended she try to get approved for a study that uses heavy doses of chemotherapy.  In October, she began chemo treatments every other week for three months...each round exceedingly more difficult than the last.  At first, recovery from chemo would take about a week.  But as treatments continued, the time it took to recover stretched closer to two weeks...all without the security of sick or vacation pay due to her new employee status.  Just as Stacey was starting to feel better, she would have another treatment and again be out of work.

On January 23rd, Stacey will be undergoing surgery to remove the remaining tumor and if all goes well, will be out of work at least 4 weeks without any income during that time.  If she experiences complications, the time out of work will only increase.  Three weeks after surgery, she will start another round of chemo treatments every other week for another three months.  

Stacey is a cookie mom for her daughter's Girl Scout troop and is concerned her illness will negatively affect her daughter's availability to sell cookies.   If you're in need of Girl Scout cookies, please keep Samantha in mind.

How you can help...
I am asking for donations to help ease some of the financial burden of being out of work without pay.  Any amount is helpful and I know would be greatly appreciated!  Unfortunately, mortgages, car payments, utilities, insurance, co-pays and deductibles don't take a break because you're sick. 

Thank you for reading Stacey's story!  Feel free to post to this page as words of encouragement are always helpful!  If you're interested in helping in other ways (for example, donating gift cards, meals,  etc.), please e-mail [E-Mail ausgeblendet] for the address to send those items.

Note: GoFundMe will try to get you to include a suggested donation for their site.  If you do not wish to do that, choose "Other" and change the amount to $0.00



  • Kathleen Waters
    • $200 
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kelly Frye Howe
Shakopee, MN
Stacey Andrew

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