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Help Captain fight Leukemia!

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Recently, one of the strongest members of our Production Family, Cori Adkins son Captain was diagnosed with leukemia. Let's show her the love and support she has always given to us. Give what you can, if you can.    - Yolanda & Rizza _________________________________________

Dear friends and family,

Yolanda and Rizza started this fund on behalf of my little brother, Captain Wright.

On September 9th, 2017, the day before Hurricane Irma hit Orlando, my 13-year-old brother, Captain Wright Jr. was found by his father, Captain Wright Sr.—yellow and semiconscious in his bedroom. Captain was rushed to the emergency room and immediately started on blood and platelet transfusions. When we got the phone call from his father, exclaiming he was at the hospital receiving blood and platelets, something just didn’t seem to add up. How could a healthy 13-year-old boy need emergency care like this? What had happened between now and the last time I saw him just a few weeks prior?

Finally, the doctors sat my mother, Cori Adkins, and I down and old us that Captain has Leukemia. After many tears and demanding answers as to why, the doctor described this type of cancer hits hard and fast with almost no obvious signs. No matter what, no mother wants to hear the words “your son has cancer”. We as a family did not realize how sick my brother was in the few months leading up to his diagnosis. He is a VERY humble child and never complains, but that day he had the strength to tell us that he has been feeling very ill as well as collapsing due to feeling so weak. He was suffering through all of this alone and was extremely private about his symptoms.

Throughout this past week, he has ONLY been positive and strong for the entire family. He has done nothing but show respect for his hospital staff, following directions, and listening closely to how he must go about his new life. My brother is an avid skateboarder. He loves outdoor activities—fishing, swimming, and paddle boarding to name a few. But currently, he is very vulnerable to illness and infections, forcing him to press pause on many of his favorite activities. Captain can be around friends if he wears a mask, sits far away, and doesn’t touch anyone; a hard fact for a very social and popular teenager. Everyone in close contact with Captain must have a flu shot and respect the boundaries the doctors set in place for him. Captain will be pulled out of school for the next few months due to the cancer treatments and his immune system. One of Cap’s favorite parts about his life is cooking with my mother and exploring new foods, but he will now have to adhere to a neutropenic diet so long as he is receiving chemotherapy over the next 3 years.

Due to his immune system and new lifestyle, my mother must redo and rebuy many items in Captain’s room and throughout the rest of their home together. She must purchase washable covers and furniture that can be wiped down and disinfected daily for Cap. Not to mention purchasing new paint, rugs, mattress covers, better cleaning supplies, storage bins, air filters, toys for him that can be disinfected, new shower curtains, his own personal towels and items to be bleached… the list goes on and on and keeps adding up. My mother must also hire a cleaning service to help her disinfect the house and keep it dusted while she is still working full time. His immune system calls for a special diet where everything must be sterile, unopened, fresh, handled and cooked a certain way. He cannot eat leftovers at all.

At minimum, Captain will be enduring a 3-year journey with Leukemia, receiving treatments and hospital visits weekly. Medicaid will only pay for so much during this entire process. Many other catastrophic medical and life-adjustment expenses will be coming out of his parent’s pockets. It does not feel good for our family to ask for financial support, but we cannot ignore the realities attached to my brother’s cancer diagnosis.

The support and love from you all has been outstanding and he knows in his heart that he is not alone. Thank you to those who have reached out to us. A big thank you to those who have helped with the hurricane cleanup at my mother’s house, supplies, and food. The more support we receive, whether it is financial, physical, or emotional, the more time my family can spend focusing on getting Captain better. Words cannot describe how appreciative we are for ALL of you. Each doctor, nurse, family member, friend, acquaintance, and stranger has surrounded Captain with such an awesome shield of love and encouragement so powerful, I know for sure he will get through this.

Thank you for your donations and taking the time to read our story,

Andrea Adkins & Family


  • Mike Cosmo
    • $20 
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Andrea Cerisse Adkins
Orlando, FL
Frances Savicki
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