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Help Champ the Dog walk again!

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Hi Everyone,

If you think writing a Bio for tinder was hard, try writing to strangers asking for help. oh boy, here we go.

My name is Sal Monarca and I live in Puerto Rico with my amazing dog Champion. Champ has been my best friend and family member since he was 9 months old. I adopted him at a shelter in Colorado after an accident he had as a pup, where he ended up losing his left front leg. No worries, long story short, the Humane society patched him up and he has been hopping around ever since. Growing up in A few foster homes myself, I just identified with him. He has since become my support animal, family, and I even named my small business after him, Champion Snorkel Tours, in San Juan Puerto Rico. He is literally my enitre world. To say I typed this all in one attempt would be an unmeasurable falsehood.

Suddenly 3 days ago, his back legs turned off. We are still in the exact diagnostic process, but we know that there is a spinal cord injury, possibly a bone spur that ruptured a disc. Thankfully(?) there is no feeling below the waist so he doesn't feel any pain, I'll take it for a win. My 3-legged dog is now down to 1 Functioning arm. Everything else works; his attitude is excellent, eats like a champ, and he shows a desire to be mobile. [This all happened 3 days ago] I modified a folding beach to hold his back legs and he immediatly started to pull him self forward and scoot his butt around. Also, in the hotel, I layed his dog bed on a fancy hotel luggage cart, that I may have commandeered while in the hotel for his use[haha], and he began scooting around the room on the cart. So, the will and spirit is there. He wants to walk; he even twitches his paws in his dreams; please help me make his dream a reality.

We need help catching up on Medical Bills, currently just over $4k, and also a wheelchair for him which is quoted to us around $1,200. , I am modifying an automotive creeper for the time being. Long-term care and meds, we think $8k is going to be where we are at. Anything over that and we would be so blessed as we are looking for a new first floor apartment for us as well. We are asking your help to reach our goal of $8000. It would mean the world to me and Champ if you could help us. I can Offer free snorkeling tours in Puerto Rico by myself and Champ to anyone who donates, just email us and we will set a time and date.


SAL Monarca
Fort Collins, CO

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