Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Chahalis Urgent Med&Emergency Fund

Spende geschützt

Updated January 1, 2017 +

Dear family and friends,

Most of you know the difficult decision we reached having to start a GoFundMe campaign to help our daughter Noelia and her beautiful family. We remain heartbroken seeing their pain and helpless to do more, but we have done ALL we can. Now we must appeal to all of you and your kindness.

Mike and Noelia met and later began dating in 2008. Each one helping the other overcome their deep individual tragedies. He worked at a good job in NYC and Noelia worked two jobs while completing her undergraduate studies at NYU full time.

In 2012 they decided to move to Florida. Because of their belief of paying it forward they soon started a business providing various support services for those struggling with addiction. It was a lot of hard work to see their dream reach fruition taking endless hours researching, meeting with lawmakers, professionals, etc. but they were successful. Their happiness came from seeing others triumph in their recovery.

Wanting to start a family they returned to NJ in 2014. Their blessing and grace arrived in 2015 with the birth of our granddaughter. She is their one constant staple of hope and happiness.

We were visiting them when Mike suffered his first Grand Mal epileptic seizure. They were within 12 hours of leaving as a new family. Noelia was in such distress as Code Blue flowed over the loudspeaker. Dozens of medical staff and security rushed to their room. The baby was returned to the nursery. 

It seemed like forever as medical staff made all efforts to stabilize and save Mike's life. He was placed on life support for two weeks as doctors tried to find the cause and how to help him. 

Mike's recovery has been very difficult and it will take a miracle for him to fully recover. He's been hospitalized numerous times because of the seizures and their complications and has also been diagnosed with a multitude of health issues. Due to his health and other professional complications they lost their business in the summer of 2015.

Noelia had begun working again, but unfortunately recently lost her job. They haven't been able to catch up and things look even more dire. They've tried other avenues of assistance, but do not qualify.  And their life's savings is gone. Currently, they are in jeopardy of losing their home and Noelia's vehicle. 

Being able to meet their daily needs, medical and legal bills, saving their home and vehicle depends on the success of this campaign.

We pray you please consider contributing. Any amount is graciously and truly appreciated. If you cannot financially contribute, please keep them in your prayers and consider sharing this campaign.

Thank you may God bless you and know you remain in our prayers. We wish all a very Happy, healthy, blessed, and prosperous New Year. 



  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Maria Wojciechowski
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
Noelia Chahalis

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