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"Awakening" and Functioning-barely-

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Spiritual awakening doesn't always happen in predictable manners or follow a sequential time line. Often it can surprise you and take drastic jumps without warning. As the awakening proceeds, functioning in the world can be quite confusing, scary, overwhelming, and experientially difficult. Your family and friends may also believe you have lost your mind!

What I have discovered is that Awakening is not all peace, joy, and happiness.  It is sometimes a destructive process, and will leave no stone unturned in your life. If you are not prepared, it can turn your life upside down. For many of us in the west, this is not something we have been taught as part of our culture. 

This book is about my personal Awakening and what I have experienced so far. I am a westerner and raised Christian. I didn't know about kundalini, auras, out of body experiences, past lives, or that I even had chakras. Nor did I have much guidance from the spiritual teachers from the east or west. 

Once while sitting in a business meeting concentrating on the presenter, suddenly I found myself on the ceiling looking at the top of his head wondering what happened to my body.  Another occurred as I walked out in the early morning for work and the life force in the field of Ivy recognized the innate life force in me as a mirror of the same divinity. Electronic malfunctions, blowing out lightbulbs, functioning on little or no sleep, and many many other phenomenon, was not covered in the church of my upbringing. 

These and and many other subjective experiences are detailed in this book hoping to open a dialogue in all cultures, religions, spiritual programs, and to those following no program at all.

As Consciousness continues to evolve, more and more people will begin to Awaken and information is paramount. It is my intention to share my story with the world so as others who may be going through some of what I have been going through, may find comfort in knowing that they are not alone.

Truth is universal.

I ask your support in the publication of my book.


  • Liza Mulaokar
    • $50 
    • 6 yrs


John H. Gano III
Alpharetta, GA

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