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Alternative Cancer Treatments

Donazione protetta

The Universe has brought me quite the challenge.  I'm up for it, and I need your help.  I'm going "all-in" on alternative medicines which are not covered by my insurance.  I have already received so much love and support from my friends and family members around me in the form of food, herbs, money, energetic healing, and fun times, just to name a few things, all for which I am so grateful for and I feel so blessed. So for me to be asking for even more is really not in my nature and not easy for me, but I'm doing it because I really need it. These next few months are a critical time in my healing that could make or break me. Please help me to eliminate the road blocks of co-pays piling up, herbal supplements and prescriptions running out, and lack of funding for some more aggressive treatments that I would like to try when I get the money. I need to keep the healing momentum going. I don't expect anyone to self-sacrifice for me, and I know that some angelic people already have and will do so again, but if anyone feels like they have a little extra to donate to my cause I would greatly appreciate it. This whole experience has really taught me a lot about charity while being the recipient of it, which is very humbling. It is really meaningful and important healing work that I hope to be more involved with in the future, probably on the behalf animals. I actually have a lot of big plans for the future once I get through this little rough spot called cancer, and I WILL get through it.

"ONE" by Sandy Parsons

Any donation amount whether it be $5 or $5000 would be greatly appreciated.  I would like to give everyone who donates a hand-made thank you card from me, which is why I'm asking for your mailing address. This is a quirky thing that I like to do which is to glue random pictures from magazines and used books on the front of greeting cards made with 100% recycled paper, as a way of upcycling. Also, I have other thank you gifts to offer for different levels of donations which I've named after random philanthropists, which include signed art prints of "ONE", portrait drawings and paintings. You don't have to receive any gifts if you don't want to, but I would like to give something back in the form of artwork about equal to the value of your donation if you would like that.  I do have a small inventory of paintings that I have done in the past that are available.  At the higher donation levels you will get a credit equal to your donation amount towards any art pieces that I have now in stock or that I create in the future that are for sale, which must be acquired directly from me and not a gallery.  Or if you want to just buy an art piece outright right now, please contact me separately.  Click here to see what I have available. 

Ultimately I am happy and grateful with any amount that is given, whether or not I reach my goal.  Included in my goal I've created a few wish list items that would be great to acquire, like room and board for when i'm in Hawaii to get out of the inversion this winter, a possible metastasis preventative/cosmetic top surgery mastectomy, and money for my sister's health issues, but of course the more urgent priority is to do the treatments that I need in the next few months to stay alive, which will be about $1000/month.  Thank you again so much to everyone who has supported me through this so far, whether it be by physical means, spiritual healing, prayers and meditations, beautiful emails, and/or good times. They have all been extremely valuable contributions to my physical, emotional, and mental well being.  Namaste.


  • Natasha McIntosh
    • $50 
    • 8 yrs


Sandy Parsons
Salt Lake City, UT

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