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Help Forrest king drive again

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I need help paying an old fine reinstatement fee hand controls new tires and title transfer. So I can go start sharing my testimony of what God has done for me. Even though I'm the least to deserved it. I will be able to fulfill the call he's placed on my life. You see back on July 26th 2010. I was set on fire in Virginia MN. I had 50% total body burns they used a excelerant. It was a hate crime. The people who did it were after one my cousins. My uncle stabbed a guy in the chest half inch from his heart and he was out for revenge on the King name. Evil meant for my cousin found me in Virginia. Well here's What happened that day. At fortune bay I was a dishwasher. That morning I was mad because I was being taken advantage of. I came in the only one scheduled and it was super busy again. They told me we will transfer you after you train some people that can take your place. The workers they hired. Kept dropping like flies. Well anyways I came in that morning slammed some pots around and they called me into the office to talk. The night before I was drinking and still smelled a little like booze and I had an attitude and voiced my frustrations. They told me you can go home we'll be in touch. Immediately I knew I messed up. So I got my girlfriends sister car and drove down to some friends on the Rez waiting for them to get off work. I felt bad and started drinking again I got a bottle of EJ brandy and proceeded to drink it with them. I didn't have much and shared what I had but it was time to go get my girl from work. Her sister drove us home and on the way back I was being yelled at the half hour trip home to the north side of Virginia. Well we got home and I put her to bed and snuck out to the bars to drink more. I felt I didn't have enough yet. I was at sports place. The mirage and ended up at Riders on main were there was a band playing. The guitarist was being super friendly and invited me to drink on his free pitchers he was getting for putting on the show. Well hour into the night his friend showed up and there was more drinking then the band playing. His friend and the guitarist were in the bathroom talking quit a bit amongst each other. But if I went to urinate they would be quite. I should of known something wasn't right. But continued drinking and hanging out with them till the guitarist finished up playing that night. Well us three left the Riders. The guitarist me and that friend of his. We went out to the mirage and they were finishing up also. So we went threw the back door. Down the ally's and towards a house were there was an after party. We were walking down the ally's on the north side of Virginia and they kept trying to get me to drink a little bottle of vodka. They weren't drinking off it but kept handing it to me. I told them there's no way I'm drinking that unless I can wash it down. Well we come out the ally's by at a little auto body shop across the street is trenti lawfirm and across from there is a laundry mat. Well they got a can of pop from the pop machine at the auto body shop and I drank the rest of what was in the vodka bottle. I don't remember anything after that and must have been poisoned. Next memory I have is when I come to and I'm on fire I jumped up was running around trying to put myself out. I was running and running and i don't know if it was a voice or the dare program training in school that made me think stop drop and roll. I swear it was a voice coulda been panicked thinking either way I rolled and rolled till I put myself out. I remember laying in a gutter literally there was a gutter next to my head I was yelling and screaming for someone!!! anyone help me!!! The ambulance came and they strapped me to a gurney were the threw me in the back of it. I didn't know what was going on at this point and I was fighting the people trying to save my life. Like busting straps trying to kick and punch delirious and in a lot of pain fighting them and I remember at this point the people we're trying to get me under control. They did and one of them was right in my face trying to calm me down and he was saying " everything is going to be alright"!!!! I looked at my legs and it looked like a Vietnam movie or a bratwurst that's been charred on the grill and is starting to split open. That is what my legs looked like. I yelled back at the guy would you f--g look at me I'm not going to be alright. They said to each other he's in to much pain put him out and that's my last memory till I wake up in miller dwan burn unit months later. They put me in a medical endused coma while the operated and tried everything they could to save my life. I been threw 21-22 major surgeries while I was under and a few after due to all the surgeries I went threw. While I was under in my coma they were doing everything they could to save my legs. Well it came down to a point were the doctors came in and there was a decision to make between my mom and girlfriend. The decision was they couldn't save my legs and the doctors told my mom and girlfriend we can cut his legs off and he still might die or we can try and save them and he still might die. But he has a better chance of living if we amputate both. So they argued my mom wanted me to live my girlfriend wanted me whole as I was with chance of walking and being the person she fell in love with. Well my mom talked to all her friends my brothers and other family and made the choice to amputate she wanted her son no matter what had to be done to live. After the amputations they came back wich were successful. But I was in really bad shape still. Time went on mabe a day and I wasn't getting no better my lung collapsed my major organs were shutting down and the hospital got to a point were they told my mom we did everything we could and it's costing to much money to keep him alive were going to take him off some of the machines and if he don't make threw the night then we did all we could do. Well just have to wait and see and if he makes it threw this night. Then we'll hook him back up. If he does. Well my mom told me I have the strongest heart cause that night it was beating out of my chest and some people from teen challenge came and prayed me for me. Bold prayers that I would live and not die super naturaly get up walk out the hospital and other very bold prayers. Well nothing happened while they were there. But I made it threw the night and my organs started fireing back up one by one. I'm alive now so there prayers were answered and I came back from my coma. When I came out my coma I had a trakeatomy. That makes it so I could breathe but you can't talk or anything so when I came back I was alive and everyone of my family members and girlfriend are standing there asking me what happened to you. Do you remember anything here right it down cause I couldn't talk. I couldn't see well my eyes lost focus and were rolling around uncontrollably in my head I had 20/20 vision before my hate crime but I don't now. Well they give me a pen and paper and I right something down and they take turns passing it around the room each one trying to read it I'm trying to speak to them with my lips but I was frustrated humans aren't the best lip readers that's why God gave us speech so we can comuicate with each other easily. Well I motion for the paper back and I snatched it just violently from them I look down to read what I wrote and it's worse the chicken scratches it wasn't words it was scribbled lines worse then doctors signatures. I looked at everyone and they all wanted me to say something yet I couldn't and I stopped being mad. I went to bed that night I was wore out and still In a lot of pain and when I woke up again same thing couldn't see couldn't talk but I felt as though I had to go urinate. Well I go to swing my legs over the bed and there's nothing there to walk on. At that moment I felt robbed. Cut down in my prime and depressed about life I knew it wasn't a dream and that was going to be me the rest of my life. So month went on I started rehab moved from icu to rehab center upstairs and the people there did a really good job teaching me how to live my life in a wheelchair. They moved me down to a room when I got good enough and said you'll be going home soon once you can do enough things on your own that shows you can make it. My mom and girl found a place that week a little apartment on third ave in Duluth not far from the hospitals. Well I proved I could use the wheelchair good enough and they cut me loose to go home and live my life. After a bunch of paperwork and other things they hand me a big bag of pills all counteracting each other and told me you have to do your dressings twice a week pour this solutions that burned and the dressings peeled off and ripped my skin off that were trying to heal. I'd need to hire a pca to help and with all these instructions and they wished me the best. Told me to eat a lot to help me heal and the last thing they said to me on the way out the door was ohh just mabe you should talk to someone about what happened to you because you just might be depressed. This was a traumatic thing you made it threw he's the numbers in case you ever wanted to talk to someone. I told them no I'll be fine I'm a strong person and went on my way like I was alright but was far from it. Pretty soon after being out the hospital I was smoking weed abusing the pills and doing what I could to deal with my depression in all the wrong ways. My mom was staying with us it was my mom me and my girlfriend and it came to a point were they weren't likening each other and I yelled at my mom said some really hateful things to here and told her I'm not a little kid no more. I'm a man go home and live with your husband she left crying and went home to ely. The worst thing I said was why didn't you just let me die. I'll never forget breaking her heart that day. Anyways I lived that way for three years moved to cloquet and was into fake weed everything to not deal with reality. We moved again cause my girlfriends mom got a Rez house on fondulac. Well my relationship got bad and there was a lot of brokenness in it due to my depression and drug use and because I was supposed to be walking but had no desire to put my prosthetics on or put any effort into walking again. The thing I look back on now was. I was afraid of walking and becoming like I was because I wasn't the best guy. Witch had her drounding out her feelings in a bottle to the point were we were finished. She went on a city's trip she had concert and a family friends house. While staying in the city's she broke up in a text with me giving an ultimatum. I move out or she moves out when she gets back from her trip. I weighed my options and the wisest thing I could do was just leave. She was serious and I wasn't going to stay and her mom be mad at me for the rent going up because her daughter is moving out. So I called my mom and she came down and got me. Brought me up to tower where I moved in with my brother and his family. I was really depressed after that. Seeing my brothers family everyday and that being what I wanted in my life. I was still texting the ex what was making it worse yet and above all else my using was getting worse. I told myself I'd never drink again after I got out the hospital and I was even drinking after 4 years of staying off the booze. I would drink get high to forget my pain a night. Then when I wake up feel twice as broken and worse then I did the night before. One morning after a night of really drinking heavy I mean heavy my brother and I were slamming beers and I was doing magic tricks were I'd slam beer in less then a second and he'd be amazed doubting that I just did that so he's crack one himself and hand it to me and I'd slam it again less then second. Well I woke up feeling awful I went to the fridge and there was still wine. So I was drinking that really depressed and I was sitting at the island and I felt so small like peice of dirt. My life was going no where I was a drunk cripple addict and there was no hope of having a wife or walking and everything caught up to me all at once. I went to cry like a good hard cry one were its hard to breathe in between. I was going to cry about everything that I should of long ago and at that moment my nieces were running around being so happy in my face that I didn't want them to see me like that and I held back some came out but nothing like how I felt and at that point I called my mom. I said momma you have to come get me I gotta sober up and start living a better life. She told me she'd be right there and on the way home to her house she told me I gotta be sober because her husband sobered up two days before and she sobered up the day after. I assured her that's the only way I'll be from now on and I have been. We started going to AA meetings every Friday and it helped but wasn't the help I needed. They kept saying you have to find your higher power and put your faith in that confess all your wrongs and keep showing up it'll keep you sober. Well I never wanted to use again but I was drawn by others talking about God and reading the serenity prayer week after week. One day I was sitting in the basement of my moms house cause that's were her spare room is and there was a cross on the wall Jesus was on there. I was talking to that cross just asking why would God let this happened if he loved or cared about me I had so much hate in my heart with the wrong understanding about God that I just hated that cross. Well my best friend had just got out of prison and was coming up to apply at fortune bay it was a Friday and I told him he should come get me and hang out. He said he'd would and text me when he's close so I said alright. Well I was waiting for him to come I kept thinking about that cross so I went back and I was talking to it again I said if you really love me or care about me like I've heard your going to have to give me a sign or show me without a doubt in my mind. That you love me and care about me or would want my life cause I don't. Well my friend showed up and I went to go hang out and on the way to town were driving down the highway my friends mom is driving us and about halfway to town I see this huge blue sign and it says. God loves us. Romans? But I read it God loves us all. I'm asking for a sign and there's a huge blue one right there so I say ok. That's kind of cool I'm asking for a sign from God and there's a huge blue one confirming what I was talking to the cross about. It was even in my favorite color and I say to myself ok that's kind of cool. Well I'm talking in my head now and I'm saying well God if that was you. Your going to have to show me another sign that you'd want my life and are willing to help me. Well we go to Walmart and the dollar store and made a couple stops then went to my friends house we were going to make a prison pizza I was hungry and this prison pizza sounded really good. For those that don't know what that is you make them out of crushed chips really hot water cheese sauce pepperoni chopped summer sausage a roman noodle without the packet and you get the crushed chips and noodles to stick together with some really hot water. Well I'm sitting there crushing chips and noodles and my best friend is getting the water hot and chopping the summer sausage and pepperoni up and I get to a dollar store bag of Cheetos and I'm crushing them up real good. I look down on the back of this bag and there a bible verse on this bag. It says I can do all things threw Christ who strengthens me. I'm like no way a dollar store bag of Cheetos your messing with me. Well God if this is you I say to myself your really going to have to do something that's undeniable that it was you. And I'm seeing God posts on Facebook where it's a really dark place when your living in the world and have unbelieving friends. So I say again you have to do something that really shows you love me and care and would want my life. Well after that pizza we made and ate I was hungry again I figured I'd go to Daves pizza and get a sub and a coney dog and something for my friend. Well I got down the stairs and I made it a block this crazy person pulls up and he's talking all this stuff about God and how big my heart is talking about what God sees in me calling me his brother. And I'm thinking your not my brother. Then he asked me if he could pray well I say yea why not and he goes crazy on his prayers asking God to grow my legs out right on the spot and give me brand new ones he's talking about heal my broken heart and he finishes with in Jesus name amen. Well my legs didn't grow out but we talked and exchanged numbers and he said if God does something amazing witch I'm expecting he will cause he is only good. I want to hear about it. So I say alright got my daves ate it then hit my Friday meeting but that night it wasn't the same I felt I didn't need to be there anymore like I was healed already. So I catch ride home to my moms with her and her husband and go to bed. I wake up next morning and God gave me super natural strength a desire to get in my prostetics and I blew past any amount of time I ever wore them I was always shaky and weak couldn't stand five mins and I went two hours without any of that. So then I texted this crazy person asking about God and what church he went to and all this stuff and told him about what happened he was fired up and hit me with the gospel and like at least two brothers. So I started to go to church and hed come get me in tower drive me there and back but I felt this huge hole in my heart this depressing feeling that was weighing me down still. I couldn't sleep my mind would race I felt hopeless. so I texted again I asked how to pray to God. He told me ask from the bottom of your heart your deepest wants and desires and if it's an honorable prayer God will answer that in Jesus name. So I prayed in Jesus name to take the sleepless nights and that hole in my heart away and when I said amen a deep warmth came down and filled that hole in my heart I slept that night like a rock. It was amazing I prayed and asked for a place to start my life at I got a brand new one bedroom apartment with affordable rent. All in his time and I learned patience in the process but gods been there for me ever since that day. I got placed in an amazing body. I got new molds for my legs two weeks after my brother prayed for my legs to grow out. For free. Just given to me. I can walk but still dealing with skin issues. Gods been so good I've been baptized he's giving me opportunities to speak and he's marking out a path to bring hope and healing from the inside to others. I went to church one morning and they said. Ok apostle Calvin is going to be speaking today well no one told me and he was a colored guy well I grew up in the cities and my best friends growing up were black. So I had no racist thoughts ever but after living on the range seven years around hate towards blacks some of that hate was in me unknowingly so I was thinking he's not going to have what I need to hear. Today and this man that walks with God gets up there he leads worship and sings his heart out gets up front preaches everything I needed to hear and more. He calls everyone that really didn't know what Jesus came to do for the world up to the front I went and bout quarter of the church went up to the front. He's walking around speaking in his spirit language and he gets the pastors husband and he gives him a word about raising up the men in the church among other things and he gets done with his prophecy. And he walking around and he gets to me he placed his hand on my head and starts talking about what I was asking God about earlier and he says God breath your breath of love on this man and my hair started tingling the deepest warmth came down from heaven and rested right next to my heart I was happy and crying at the same time. I get out of church and my head is spinning I have the warmth in me and it's the feeling of true love witch I've never experienced in my life pure love. It was so good I had peace joy all at the same time and gods been moving powerfully in my life ever since. I realized what that was later that day it was the Holy Spirit and he lives in me now. He likes it there too. God has amazing plans for me I'm bring healing and holness to many people by the life that I lived all the hurt and pain I've been threw. He will use for his good he started healing me from the inside out like the good book says and he will touch many life's threw me as long as I'm able to die to myself and walk with him speaking the words he puts in my mouth and abiding in him. I just have to trust the lord and he will never leave me nor forsake me. God has been with me since age twelve. My mother is givin me her truck. My prosthetic guy who had faith in me long before I had any faith in myself. Is lining up an opertunity to speak to other amputees and I can talk about God. And he's going to get me walking on full length prosthetics in no time. Everything is all and well in ten months time. He pulled me from the lowest lows and has turned my life around with his power and might. Four years I was in depression and he delivered healed and is using me to share his glory with others. I'm healed now it was five years after my hate crime to the day and he used me to speak to others and bring hope of his glory. I want to continue to glow closer to God each day. I am reading gods living word everyday. This reinstatement fee, hand pedals, title transfer and tires is the only thing holding me back from reaching my goal of becoming an insperational speaker and sharing the gospel with others who greatly need it in these dark days. Any funds would help but if my testimony touched your heart in any way. Then this go fund me is already helping by bringing hope to others threw the word of my testimony. With love and truth always. Forrest


  • Forrest King
    • $11 
    • 7 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $895 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Ken Lien
    • $20 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs


Forrest King
Tower, MN

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