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Bolo - Diabetes Assistance Dog for Sarah

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Diabetes Type 1 requires constant BSL (blood sugar level) I'm on an insulin pump plus I try to have good management of my diet and lifestyle. 

Added together with the fear of having a hypoglyaemic episode (low blood sugar) left untreated or not treated early enough can lead to a simple case of embarrassment, confusion leading to an accident, coma or death.

I have passed out in public, it's humiliating and people think you are a junkie. It puts a fear of going out alone into even the most independant person (which i used to be).

I want to be happy, independant and free again!!

I tend to have many hypo's during the night, thus the reason of an MEDICAL ALERT DOG, this dog will sleep beside me and be able to "smell" the difference of my blood sugars and wake me up beforeI potentially fall into a coma.  


High blood sugars can have devastating effects on the entire body. So when a person succumbs to diabetes, the impact is life changing on the entire family and friends, It also can effect the people they deal with on a daily basis, let alone organ damage and failure.

My (maternal grandfather) Pop died of Diabetes complications, I am refusing to let that happen to myself.

I like my life, how i live and don't want to be a physical burden on anyone, this pup will be my constant companion 24/7, he/she will accompany me to work, the shops, holidays etc.

This is a huge first for me, actaully reaching out and asking for help and financial assistance, and I thank you for your time and donation.

All you need to do is google diabetic alert dog, to read the articles that show where these dogs have saved peoples lives.

Remember there is no "scheme" in Australia to help fund this for daibetics, we pay full script price for our insulin and supplies, my pump supplies alone (tubing and inserts) cost $75 per quarter, then you have insulin and other medications for health problems associated with diabetes at $35 per MONTHLY script (going up to $40 in July). I have to have top cover private health insurance to pay for the pump itself (worth $10k) which is $25 per week. Test strips and BSL machines subsidised yes, but still at just under $10 per packet.

I just took a $10k  WAGES DECREASE to work closer to home to better manage my health.

So YES, I need help.

Sah xx

An excerpt from an article on a UK diabetic dog:-
Medical Detection Dog saves diabetic’s life!
A medical alert dog, trained by the charity Medical Detection Dogs to recognise and alert its handler to dangerous falls in sugar levels, has saved the life of a woman in Buckinghamshire.
Carolyn Gatenby suffers from highly unstable Type 1 Diabetes and experiences frequent dangerous low blood glucose levels. Her condition is all the more life threatening as she has no warning symptoms at all of when her blood glucose levels run too low or too high.
Ms Gatenby was therefore partnered with a Medical Alert Assistance Dog, who alerts her to dropping and raised blood glucose levels, by picking up on an odour change undetectable to humans.
On the evening of Friday 31st May, Ms Gatenby was returning from the charity’s centre in Winslow, Buckinghamshire when her dog, Simba, alerted her to a fall in her blood glucose levels.
However, the fall was so rapid that she was unable to eat a high-sugar food substance in time. Ms Gatenby suffered a hypoglycaemia and fell unconscious.
Simba, wearing his assistance dog jacket marked ‘Diabetes Alert Dog,’ strove to raise public awareness by visibly nudging Carolyn constantly, whimpering and barking.
Simba succeeded in capturing the attention of a passer-by, Rebecca Gorden, who realised that Carolyn was suffering from a medical emergency and called an ambulance.
Ms Gorden said that had it not been for Simba, she would have not realised that Ms Gatenby was unconscious and would not have stopped to help.
With Simba accompanying her in the ambulance, Ms Gatenby was admitted to hospital, was quickly treated and was able to be discharged later that evening.
Dr Claire Guest, Director of Operations at Medical Detection Dogs commented: “This is a powerful example of the highly significant work our dogs do in alerting diabetics to the hazardous situations they find themselves in daily.
“It worries me that there are many other people in Carolyn Gatenby’s position, who are seriously at risk from episodes of hypoglycaemia, but do not have a dog to alert them or to warn the public of the danger they face.
“This near-fatal incident has reminded us all how vital it is that we as a charity continue to raise money so we can provide other diabetes suffers with this life-saving service.
“When a kind donor gives money to Medical Detection Dogs, they know that they are making the ultimate difference to someone’s life.”

Je contribue


  • Treay via Gumtree
    • $40 (Don hors ligne)
    • 9 yrs
  • Sarah Pike
    • $800 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Kathleen O'Brien
    • $50 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Suzanne Toomey
    • $100 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Ann-Marie Walshe
    • $100 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
Je contribue


Sarah E Pike
Mount Pritchard NSW

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