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Anthony's Medical Fund

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A few years ago, Anthony began to have tingling and numbness on the left side of his body. He thought he was having a stroke and went to the hospital. Thankfully, after numerous tests the doctors were able to rule out a stroke. Some time later, he started to have tingling and tightness in his chest and believed he was having a heart attack. Again, he went to the hospital. And again, they ruled out a heart attack. Instead, it was revealed that he has a serious condition called spinal stenosis, where the spinal cord in his neck is narrowing.

The disruption in the flow of spinal fluid, combined with the closeness to major blood vessels and nerves, can mimic symptoms of a stroke or heart attack. If left untreated, the spinal cord will eventually become compressed to the point of strangulation or rupture. The end result would be Anthony becoming paralyzed from the neck down. Over the last 5 years, he has had several of these attacks and has accumulated tens of thousands in medical debt. This is why I am reaching out to the GPWA community now, so we can help Anthony with these expenses.

Anthony and his doctors have fought for months with the insurance company and were finally able to get approval for the surgery to repair his neck. This surgery is extremely expensive. His out of pocket costs after insurance will be $13,500. He will be immobilized and bedridden for weeks following the procedure, and his neck will be in a brace for several more weeks after that. He will be unable to drive or care for himself for quite a while.

The surgeons will be forced to cut through Anthony's neck from the front to reach his spine. The plan is to replace up to 2 vertebra and 6 inter vertebral disks. Additionally, Anthony will need to have a titanium plate inserted into his neck. While this plate adds strength and support, it will leave him unable to have the full use of his neck for the rest of his life.

Anthony has done a lot for this industry. Over the years he has helped hundreds of affiliates collect millions in commissions they were owed, as well as working with and assisting affiliate managers and programs. His life will be changed forever, but we can help make it more financially bearable for him and his family. He is meeting with his surgeons next week to schedule the procedure and I will be updating this page as he goes through this.

Thanks, everyone... Jay Todd

"Anthony Telesca" "Houston" "GPWA Anthony" "Anthony Texas" "Anthony medical fund" "Anthony Houston" "spinal stenosis" "Anthony spinal stenosis" "Anthony Tx" 



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    • $10 
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Jay Todd
Bellingham, WA
Anthony Telesca
Team member

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