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A Fight For My Life

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My Name is Tina. I'm 48 and have been self-employed all of my life. In April 2013 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma Breast Cancer. Since then I've been doing a combination of holistic Cancer treatments that my Insurance (like most Insurance Companies) does not cover. Since the last six month I have not been able to work as much anymore. In addition to the Cancer diagnose I found out in January that I also have Heart Failure, due to the damage from Chemotherapy that I had twenty four years ago for a different Cancer. 

Emotionally it's been a roller coaster ride for me since I have not been able to get professional treatment at an Alternative Clinic due to the lack of finances. The home treatment plan that I put together for myself based on Internet research which includes a complete change in my eating habits (clean, local, organic as much as possible), daily juicing, supplements, etc. has reduced my tumor by half. Everything has been paid for out of my husband's single earner salary without any outside help. In the meantime it has completely exhausted us financially so that besides going without some of the much needed supplements, and getting behind on basic living expenses, three weeks ago I had to stop a main part of the treatment. The stress has been very severe.

I usually don't ask for help but under the current circumstances I am asking you to please help me in the fight for my life. I found a clinic in Spain (the Budwig Center) that would take me on as a patient with a six month intensive program and a one year follow up program. I have the strength and will to fight; I just need your help to go through this very difficult time. A contribution of any amount is very much appreciated. If you can't donate please share this and ask your friends to do so as well. Thank You so much!

Peace, Love & Blessings

Tina Walker

To read my updates and connect with me please visit my facebook page at www.facebook.com/cancerrival




  • Stefy
    • $15 
    • 10 yrs
  • Wolgang Peters
    • $12 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Lissy Le
    • $25 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Micha ElaKla
    • $15 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Joachim Göbel
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Tina Walker
Los Angeles, CA

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