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Sydney's blood levels are inching up, about 1% increase daily or holding constant on some days. She is at 18% today. Hidden under her thick Siberian coat, she has lost so much weight, almost skin and bones. She's also getting more restless and perhaps bored, often shuffling about trying to find a comfortable position to lie/sleep in. Sometimes, she prefers the cold tiled floors instead of the makeshift towel bedding the clinic has provided her with. The stubborn princess still refuses to eat on her own, but is willing to take down all that is being syringe fed to her. She has been walking by her own, out to pee and finally, pooped! She looks happy and bright but gets tired so easily... I guess we cannot blame her for being grumpy, she has afterall, been hospitalized for the past 10 days.

We have been trying to entice her with a smorgasbord of her favourite food; stir-fried beef mince, chicken+potato+carrot stock, chicken jerky, liver soup, eggs, bread, rice... Even offered her our own dinner; char-siew (honey-glazed roasted pork) rice, lotus root with pork ribs soup, just to get her started. Alas, she sniffed about, only to turn her head away like some snotty aristocrat. However, on 3 separate occasions, she nibbled some chicken+carrots and beef mince. Only a little. But better than nothing. We are still trying out different methods and menus on her.

The test results for tick fever panels, Vonwillerbrands and several others, all came back negative and are now ruled out. Everyone is stumped about her condition, she definitely isn't showing any textbook symptoms. With advise from the vets, we could be dealing with IMT (Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia) though we can't tell if its primary or secondary, or something just as bad if not worse...

There is a growth, a lump right under her right armpit, that developed late last week. It started out rather flaccid, but it has become quite an extensive hard lump without being able tell where it starts or ends. It almost feels like it has covered the underside of her armpit and into her shoulder. The only way to tell how big and to isolate the specific area, is for Sydney to undergo a CT scan. Beside the crazy bill that comes along with a CT scan is that Sydney will have to go under to keep her still during the procedure. Only then, we'll know what's lies beneath and how to remove it. To be so-called-tumor-free, it would mean undergoing an amputation.

That is not even an option to consider. It is simply too much to put her through it all. Plus her body and current blood condition wouldn't allow any invasive methods.

Today, a fine needle aspirate on the lump has been sent to the labs. Results are to follow. She could have developed Hemangiosarcoma. We'll see... when the results are back.

In the depths of our hearts, we habour hopes that with each day break, the lump under her armpit, which is now causing her to walk and sit funny, like a one armed Incredible Hulk, would dissipate, disappear. And with every tomorrow that comes, her blood will grow stronger, she will grow stronger.

We are set on bringing her home, of course after the vets have given us the green light. 

All donated dollars will be spent on her medical bill. Should we achieve our goal and dare dream of extras, all will be set aside for her maintainence and palliative care. 

Our love and heartfelt thanks for those who have donated and shared our Save Sydney Fundraiser. 

Please help us achieve our goal.

Please continue to help, donate and share.


Last Sunday Sydney was rushed into emergency from suffering sudden massive internal bleeding. Her eyes, rolled around like loose marbles, she could not even hold her head upright. With only 8% of red blood cells level coursing through her entire body, she was hanging on by the tip of her paws. We went on a mad rush, searching for a matching blood donor.

Thank the stars, Sydney got her first blood transfusion the very next day. Despite the transfusion, her blood level waved up and down throughout the week. Though blood sample panels have been sent for lab tests, we are still awaiting results which will give us a clearer picture of the cause and treatment that would follow. Meanwhile, we tested another 15 dogs for a possible matching 2nd blood donor and managed to find 2 out of the entire batch. We are in constant monitor of her blood levels and her well being. With every bit of fight she has in her, we, as her humans are standing strong with her in hopes that she will get better soon.

With all the blood tying tests to find suitable donors, a 1st blood transfusion, blood panelling lab tests for tick fever/Vonwillerbrands, all sorts of blood tests being ran, critical care, occasional oxygen, PCV tests twice daily, ultrasounds, Xrays, the possible need for Vincristine injections if platelets don't raise, we'll be looking at a pretty hefty medical bill.

We adopted Sydney from someone who didnt have time for her. She is one lovely princess of a husky, with the gentlest demeanor. She stays with us and Mr.Wriggles; a street cat. Bright, sparkly with a bounce in her step, she's like a little girl skipping around a field of flowers. It pains us all to see her in this current state.

She's much brighter and more responsive today. Sat up by herself, greeted us with a wagging tail, and gave us her paw. With that, we are truly convinced that its not her time yet. Sydney's fighting hard, and we too, alongside with her.

To all animal lovers, there is NO DONATION TOO SMALL. With every bit of your help, we can SAVE SYDNEY. 


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  • Michelle Ang
    • £15 
    • 10 yrs
  • gerra
    • £25 (don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Li Peng
    • £15 (don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
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