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Help Sadie Levley Get Better!

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Sadie needs your help! Our dearest Sadie had a mild health scare that snowballed into a mystery health condition. So far the testing to just see what she has exceeded $2,000. We are looking for any help you can offer to help us pay for more tests and possible treatments. We still have no idea what it is and are hoping to have this help us pay for treatment. Even with insurance it is still too much because we have to pay for everything up front. If the insurance reimbursed us we will refund people. Thank you so much for helping our little girl in her time of need.

Sadies story:
Sadie was adopted at 2 years old and met her mommy and daddy for life then. She was severely neglected and was licking the bars of her cell as prisoner #27 at the humane society. Here family dropped her off and you could tell she was not ment to be with them. Fast forward to having the best life, where she has so many friends and family. She loves every person she meets, giving them kisses. She became a service dog 3 years ago to help her mom cope with PTSD. She did it naturally and is so in tune with her momma. 

Sadie has always been a medical mystery. She never could take medications (typically had the side effects) but in overall has been plant based and in good health for the past 6 years. Just recently, she had a funky episode where she seemed stargazed and after she drank water, she was fine. We took her to the vet just in case, and it turned out she showed signs of lymes disease. As she had the lymes medication, she became lethargic and seemed like she was uncomfortable. She then threw up after a week on the medication and after being taken to the second emergency vet, they found her liver was not doing well. Her ALT was above 1,000 and still is. They are not sure if it is the lyme meds that caused this since the original vet did not check her ALT. We are not sure what is wrong, but since stopping the lymes meds it seems she is getting better, but we are not out of the woods yet since her score still has not gone down. We have to check in next week.

It is so hard to see this fun-loving little girl become so sick so fast. Please send prayers and donate if you can. She is our everything.


Ana Levley
San Diego, CA

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