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Therapy for Baby Reid

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Reid Lackey was born March 14, 2013. At birth, he suffered brain damage due to low blood and oxygen levels resulting in Cerebral Palsy. He spent 5 weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit before finally being able to go home.

Reid is currently making slow but consistent progress. He has a gastrointestinal tube (G-tube) which provides him with 100% of his daily nutrition and faces a lifetime of assisted feeding. He is very close to rolling over from his back to his tummy and is working continuously on his motor control although at 11 months old he cannot sit up or crawl.

Reid's mother, Courtney is a speech language pathologist.  She recently learned of an exciting therapy called Neuro Developmental Therapy (NDT) and the promising outcomes it could have for Reid. NDT is a hands-on approach used to guide a child's movement to optimize function. It is an evidence-based evolving practice that has been used for many with motor impairments, especially children with Cerebral Palsy, such as Reid. We are anxious to provide Reid with the benefits of NDT as it could change his life, but we can't do it alone.

During this first year of Reid's life, many have asked how you can help and this is it!  The Lackey's are asking for your support, an actionable way to help us impact Reid's future. The NDT certification course is taking place March-December 2014 requiring once-a-month 4-day training in Milwaukee, WI. We have estimated the cost at nearly $12,000.00 for the conference, flights, and stay over the 9 month period. Any contribution, big or small, will allow Reid's mom Courtney to undertake this training.

We will be having a drawing for prizes on Reid's birthday (March 14th) in his honor.  If you would like to be entered into the drawing, please make a donation or send me a message.  Check out the great prizes here:  Reid's Fundraiser Prizes


  • Sarah Girondel-Donat
    • $50 
    • 10 yrs
  • Kathy LaPlante
    • $25 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Esje Woolfe
    • $20 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Quinn Ellingsen
Portland, OR

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