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Tigerlily Cat Rescue - help Noel

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(Noel ate breakfast, had his meds, did his PT exercises, went potty (got a butt bath you can see in pic!) and now its playtime!! He's been able to flip himself over from one side to the other when laying down a couple times now- not very gracefully, but I haven't seen him do this before now on his own!)

Good morning! Noel is eating like a champ - he had some dry kibble this morning too! Medications going well. He is not a fan of his physical therapy, especially with his front legs, and not a fan of the "butt baths" he tends to need either.... He can be a little bossy he has no problem letting you know he needs something ( food, bathroom, cuddles, attention) But, he is otherwise quite a happy little guy! He is moving his limbs quite a bit but still cannot stand or walk. Slow and steady progress is AOK with us!

12/29 9am update: Noel is coming home today around noon! Not a lot of changes in his condition from yesterday - still non-ambulatory and laying on his side, and still loose stools, but also still stable, normal vitals, and eating ...on his own. The neurologist did note that he is seeing more movement in the back legs, and feels that has improved, but still not much in his front legs. He will come home on antibiotics and steroids, with feeding, nursing, and physical therapy care at home every 4 hours. He will have a recheck at the Neurology Center in a week.

12/28 9am update: Noel remains in stable condition and vital signs are all normal. He is eating well, and tolerating the antibiotics well. Still some loose stools, but he continues to gain weight and is bright and alert. He remains lateral, and unable to hold himself up, but does have movement in the limbs. The radiologist does agree the primary cause for his condition is the inflammation/meningitis/infection caused by the bite wounds but also there is a possibility of some instability in the C2 area, which we hope will improve with time. The neurologist thinks that he will be able to come home tomorrow for continued nursing care/physical therapy at home. He will have recheck exams and MRIs in his future. Right now, his prognosis remains guarded, and we expect at least 2-4 weeks of medications until we have a better idea of his future prognosis- we hope with time, we will have much better news with him and get him upright and walking!

12/27 9am update: Noel remains stable today- eating very well, vitals all normal. He did have his IV catheter removed too. He is having some loose stools, but that is not unexpected given that he is a kitten and on some heavy duty antibiotics. Even better, the vet said that when they had him up, they did see some voluntary movement in his back legs (nothing yet in the front legs), so a mild improvement in his neurological condition. He will stay at the animal neurology center least one more day to make sure he is handling all the treatment well and remains stable, and we do want the radiologists final report on his MRI scan too. But overall, our little trooper is still in the fight

12/26 6pm update: Spoke with Noel's doctor - We are still waiting for the radiologist to review his MRI, but the neurologist feels that we have at least identified a (hopefully the one and only) major cause for his condition. There is significant infection and inflammation in/around his spine/cervical area, most likely caused by the bite wounds on his neck. The spinal cord itself did not appear damaged, nor did there appear to be any brain issues, but there is significant disease in the cervical area in his neck that would account for his condition. They also did a tap for spinal fluid, which they will be sending out, to help us make sure we are using the right medications. At this point, Noel will be getting several fairly aggressive antibiotics, along with low dose steroids, to help him battle the infection/meningitis. His prognosis remains guarded, and we could be looking at weeks to months of treatment for him. But at least we now have a better idea of what is going on and a more confident plan for treatment. Even the vet commented on what a trooper our little guy is <3 As long as Noel continues to remain stable, alert, eating, not in pain, and fighting, we will make sure he has everything we can give him in his corner!

Noel update 12/26 1pm: Noel remains stable, bright, and alert. He has been stretching and moving his limbs but remains lateral and not able to hold himself up. He is eating well too. We have elected to go ahead with the MRI to try to get a clearer idea of what is causing his condition and what the best course of action is going forward. He is definitely a little fighter and he is defying odds so far, and we just want to keep giving him the best opportunity possible. Please keep lots of prayers and positive thoughts heading his way - anesthesia is always risky, and his age and condition do increase the risk. We believe in this little guy!!!

Noel update 10am 12/25/13: While there was no significant improvement neurologically overnight with Noel, there was no degradation in his condition either. He remains laying on his side (being flipped over every so often by his wonderful nursing staff) unable to get himself up, but they are seeing him move all of his limbs some while remaining lateral. His vitals all remain normal and stable,... and he is eating quite well. These are all good signs, but not quite everything we need and want with him yet. The vet does not think he is in pain or has any discomfort, even when they are working on him and moving him around- also a good sign. Since the CT Scan didn't show any skull fracture, they are adding steroids back into his supportive care, along with the antibiotics and vitamin D. We will continue supportive care through the day today. Thank you to the wonderful staff at Animal Neurology, Rehab & ER Center, and to everyone that's helped with donations, positive thoughts, and prayers to our little Noel.

Noel update 8pm 12/24: Noel received a CT scan under sedation (instead of anesthesia) this evening - no obvious signs of skull fractures/head trauma seen at initial review, but a radiologist will be reviewing the scans too. (we elected to pursue the scan based on the radiologist's recommendations following her review of the earlier xrays and less risk with just sedation). The neurologist said ...Noel "was a trooper" and "did very well" for this procedure. He will continue to receive supportive care through the night, and he remains stable at this point. We expect an update in the morning.... Thank you to everyone for your generous donations to help us fund his care, and for all the positive thoughts and prayers you have sent his way. As long as he is fighting the good fight and is not suffering, we will do all we can to help give him the best possible chance to recover. We thank you for helping to make that possible.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays ~ with our heartfelt gratitude to all,
Tigerlily Cat Rescue

Noel update 12/24 2pm: bloodwork shows just slight anemia, nothing that would account for his condition. Extended Xrays also do not appear to show aa luxation in the neck. The risk of anesthesia in his condition and at his age is quite high, so we have elected against mri and spinal tap at this time. He will be hospitalized here on iv fluids, with broad spectrum antibiotics, and steroids and see if any improvements. prognosis remains guarded.

Noel update 12/24 11am: the neurologist is planning to run some more diagnostics and repeat xrays. Need to determine what's the root cause of the paralysis- is it an aa luxation in the neck? Some infection/illness from the bite wounds? Something else like meningitis? So bloodwork and additional xrays first then possible MRI and spinal tap if needed. Noel does not seem painful, has some movement in at least back legs (he gave a good try for a cat stretch), and still has a good appetite- his vitals are all normal and he doesn't appear to be suffering, so let's keep working on that Christmas miracle!!!

12/24 10:30am : Our neurology consult... Noel's in back with the doctors, I am trying to keep my mind busy in the exam room waiting for news. .. I just have to send a very heart felt Thank you to everyone who has donated to this sweet boy this morning. You have literally brought tears to my eyes with your gracious donations. .. Will update as soon as we know more. "” at Animal Neurology, Rehab & ER Center.

Please help us save sweet Noel. He came to Tigerlily on 12/23 after being found outside, freezing cold and motionless. He was hypothermic, and appears to have experiences some sort of traumatic injury. He has two puncture wounds on him, and is unable to stand or hold himself up. He was admitted to the emergency clinic yesterday, treated for shock and stabilized, but still is unable to move. He will be seeing a neurologist today in hopes to getting a better understanding of what is going on and hopefully a plan for giving him a shot to improve.

** we have been providing updates on Noel on our facebook page - please visit there for the regular updates **
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Tigerlily Cat Rescue
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