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Cassie L Garner's Dream Job

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My Story

When I graduated high school, I didn't know who I wanted to be. Many of us don't, and so I spent my first semester as an English major on a theater scholarship. Let's just say I changed my mind.

Since that day at the end of my first semester of college I have been studying Technical Theater and Design. It took quite a bit of will power, determination, and some convincing for my family to understand that I am going to work in theater. But five years, Many shows, many classes, and projects later, I am finally going to graduate with a BA in Theater.
I was never that great at making decisions for myself before college, and like most people, I made a few bad ones. But the one decision I know I made right was deciding to major in theater. And because I know that I know this, my next step. I am going to be a Props Designer/Scenic Charge/Carpenter in Theater.
It took me five years to find out just where I fit in the theatrical world, and it is a really big world. I tried everything I could, somethings I was great at, others not so much. But I fell in love with painting, carpentry, and Props.
The questions I get asked the most when conversing with others about my career are, "So your an actress?" and "Why don't you act?". No, I'm not an actress, I have acted before and it was fun, but its not me. The thing that many outside theater don't know is that Theater is so much more than acting. What I do, What I love to do, is backstage, behind the curtain, in the scene shop, where the other magic takes place. Where the set is drawn out, mapped out, and built from scratch, then textured, and painted and put together on stage. Where I can go into work everyday to the smell of fresh mixed paint and sawdust. In theater there are two different kinds of spot light. There is the stage and the performance, then there is tech week, and the weeks prior when the set is being built, the costumes constructed, sound and lights being hung, and props being made. It's so busy and so beautiful.

Why do I want to be a Theater Technician?

People come to the theater because they want to escape for a while. They want to get lost for an hour or so in someone else's story. They want to forget, or they want to remember, everyone has they're reasons. What I love about my job, is that I get to give them that experience. I get to build the sets and make a designers vision some to life, I get to use color to manipulate texture and trick the eye into seeing a whole different world, and I get to sit in the wings and watch a story from the mind of a writer come to life before my eyes and see the excitement, emotion, and appreciation in the faces of the audience. One of my favorite things to do after a show is to walk out of the theater with some of the audience members and just quietly listen to their comments about the show. My joy comes not only from the process of bringing a show to life, but also from giving the best experience possible to the audience.

Why I am on this site

As big as the theater world is, there are steps we take to get jobs. Its a bit more difficult for technicians. The purpose of my creating this site is because I need to go to SETC, the South Eastern Theater Conference, in March so that I can interview with hundreds of theater companies around the country. Of course I have my hopes up for a select few companies but this early in my career I can't be too picky. This conference is a way for theater people to attend workshops and learn something new, audition for parts in shows, interview with companies for contracts, and networking. As I am graduating in the spring it is imperative that I can make it to this conference this year so that I will have a job after graduation. Also if/when I get the job it will most likely not be in GA. few of the year round ones are, so I will also need to be able to travel to the destination of my job.
I have never been the person to ask for financial help. I have always been too stubborn and determined to make it "on my own". But if there is one thing that being in College and working two jobs has taught me, it's that its alright to ask for help sometimes. I don't know that I will reach my goal in time (by the end of April) and that's alright because every little bit helps and is extremely appreciated.

My Goals

I have always been told that I am a big dreamer and maybe I am but along with my big dreams I also have amazing supporters, determination, and a drive to keep learning more.
My short term goal is to graduate and hopefully get a job as Props Assistant/ Scenic Charge at The Lost Colony for the summer 2014 season. I worked there last summer and the experience was beyond what I imagined a professional theater job would be. After the summer season I would love to move north east, my hope is Maryland with a job at Olney theater but we shall see.


If you have read this far then I want to thank you for hearing my story. I know it is a lot and seems impossible but I know I can do it. The point of this is that even though this is a personal dream, My intentions are for the many, I want to build my life on entertaining others, maybe even teaching others to so the same. I want to spread the love of theater, which is one profession that has stood the test of time, and I want to share the knowledge I learn with others, any who may be interested or have a passion.

I am extremely blessed to have so many people in my life who love me, believe in me, and support me. People who have inspired me, lead me, taught me, raised me, and I will never take that for granted or forget it. I hope to be able to pass it all along.
If you have read this and wish to contribute to my cause then please feel free to do so. If you cannot afford it, I understand completely and ask only that you share my story and keep me in your thoughts as I attempt my journey. If you do Donate, I thank you and you are immensely appreciated, maybe I can even get you a ticket to a nice show ;)

With all Love and Respect

Cassie Garner
Props Designer/Scenic Charge/ Carpenter

"Don't live for yourself, live for others and in this you will find happiness."

Je contribue


  • Anonyme
    • $475 
    • 10 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $200 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Janis Nix
    • $140 (Don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
Je contribue


Cassie L Garner
Carrollton, GA

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