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Care for Craig

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Hello my name is Shirley Mosley. I am starting this page for my husband of 20 years, Craig. Craig had started to develop some pain in his back that gradually got worse and worse over time. He had been to the doctor several times and was told it was just a pulled muscle. The pain then moved into his hip and buttock area and the pain bacame unbearable. He again visited his doctor several times and was told to take ibuprophen and alternate heat and cold compresses. Adventually the pain was so great he was unable to walk, resulting in the loss of his job he has had for years which also meant he lost his insurance. We started going to a Chiropractor for treatments, but he only became worse after each visit. On October 14th Craig was no longer able to move at all without it causing excruciating pain, he litterally became a paraplegic. I tried my best to care for him, but I am 115 with severe osteoperosis due to spina bifida. I continued to go to work to try to keep the bills paid until Craig got back on his feet litterally, but that meant he had to stay home face down with no way to get anything to drink, eat, no medicine, or even use the restroom. One day I came home to find him in tears face down on the bed covered in his own urine, he had been like that for over 8 hours. I called my boss to tell her I would be late getting back to work because I had to help him and she told me that would be my resignation. That was on October 28th. For the next month I struggled to do my best at moving him, but simply could not. In that next month I called an ambulance to come get him 4 different times as I could not get him in or out of a vechicle myself, and visited 4 DIFFERENT emergency rooms. Each one simply saying it was sciatica and he would just have to push through it and deal with it, and was sent right back home without any answers, help, or relef. I watched as he kept deteriorating helplessly. I called every government agency, clinic, church, everyone to ask for some sort of home assistance so I could get back to work and so he could sit up at least and maybe get to the bathroom. Basically I was told without insurance, or a diagnosis from a specialist saying he was disabled, there was nothing they could do. The pain made it's way to his shoulder in the beginning of November and it became the worst pain yet. Now he can't even use his arm. This time I asked the ambulance to take him to Dell Seaton in Austin. There they did an MRI right away and he was admitted immediatly and in surgery the next morning. Turns out he had a staph infection in his spine that had moved into his hip, his leg, his shoulder and into his blood.Another week longer it would have made it to his heart. Needless to say he has to stay in the hospital for a month, and will then be moved to a nursing home for rehabilitation and to continue his IV antibiotics for 8 weeks longer. Fortunatly he qualified for MAP assistance to help with the long road of treatment he needs. Unfortunatly, I have used every bit of savings we had to pay the bills, and for gas to get to Austin and back, parking garages, food, pet food, you know lifes expenses. I just want to be able to catch up on the car payments that I'm behind now, the car insurance, I want to be able to keep the home we are renting so he has a home to come home to when he is well. I am currently looking for employment now that he has someone to take care of him, and he has a job waiting for him when he is well again. I just need help until we can get back on our feet again. Not a hand out, but a hand back up. I can't loose everything we've worked so hard for and let him come out to no home, job, car, nothing. Thank you for your time and attention, and god bless.

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