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- and help her help all of us.

For the first time in history, a case on the use of cannabis-based medicine will be brought before the United Nations Human Rights Committee. The illegalisation must be put to an urgent test. To save lives.

Supporting this campaign is an investment in our collective future - a future where no one can be persecuted for their pursuit of a dignified, painless and prolonged life by use of nature’s own medicine.

Above all else, the reason behind this case is to set a precedent for any current and future cases of similar nature concerning the medical uses of the cannabis plant.
This case concerns the rights of any human of disability or illness to the treatment of their own choosing and if it is won, the Danish legislature will have to be altered which, according to Mariannes attorney, will also impact all other member states of the United Nations.
Her fight affects us all - and more importantly our future generations.


Who is she?

Marianne Højgaard Jensen is a Danish citizen suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - or CRPS (formerly known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). The cause for this was a surgical error in 2006 which has subsequently been recognised by the Patient Compensation Association in 2010. This also meant a formal recognition of Marianne’s diagnosis.
However, this condition is not registered on the Danish list of rare diseases, which limits the possibilities when it comes to treatment.

The disorder causes constant and severe daily pain which is described medically as between 40-50 in The Mcgill Pain Index and is thus categorized as extreme. It impacts her organs, affects all aspects of her life and renders her unable to complete even the most basic tasks. Things like eating and maintaining her personal hygiene are a daily struggle.
“A hot shower is like being in a torture chamber. The drops of water are as sharp as needles penetrating the skin. Some days wearing clothes is unbearable.”

Her son Simon, 24, has had to step in as caretaker, putting his own life on hold for his mother. Though he himself struggles with diagnoses, he decided to move in and is now spending his days managing the house, getting groceries and even growing cannabis to ease his mother’s suffering. It is unfathomable that a young man should criminalize himself to do the duties of the government.

Following thorough research over extended periods of time in the Danish healthcare service and surrounding authorities, Marianne has experienced being pressured towards certain treatments and excluded from others.
Due to her continued use of the cannabis plant as medical treatment, she has been excluded from supervision and treatment from the Danish healthcare system.
The most severe of consequences is the loss of disability equipment - particularly the car and the electric wheelchair she needs to regain her mobility and independence. She also had to pay out of pocket for a hospital bed which is an absolutely vital part of her existence.

She wants to:
- contest her right to utilize whichever treatment she deems most beneficial in the overall improvement of her quality of life and the right to do so within the framework of the system and its laws
- renounce further participation in what must be considered medical experiments
- receive the social benefits she is entitled to


The Case

According to the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the United Nations Security Council, Marianne is protected against the treatment she has suffered in Denmark.
- She has a right to a dignified and tolerable life.
- She has the right not to be subjected to medical experiments.
- She has the right not to be discriminated against.
This has not been maintained by the Danish authorities and therefore the legality of those conventions must be tested in front of the UN’s Human Rights Committee in Geneva.

Marianne is represented by Mr. Poul Hauch Fenger who has taken the case pro bono. In addition to being a defence attorney, Fenger has a master’s degree in political science, is an external lecturer and has several years of experience in UN and EU related matters.

For additional information on the particulars of this case, please visit Mr. Fengers website at http://www.poulhauchfenger.dk/blog/


Where is my money going?

The funds collected will cover the expenses of a total of four people traveling to Geneva to bring the matter before the UN Human Rights Committee:
Marianne Højgaard Jensen (the plaintiff)
Poul Hauch Fenger (attorney - pro bono)
Mette Mitchell (helper - pro bono)
Julie Eid (helper - pro bono)

All donations go directly to Mariannes official fund account.


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Kate Jakobsen
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