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Dorrie Saves the World

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Greetings, my name is Dorrie the Super Dog.  I am from Dorchester, MA (after which I was named). I'm a Scorpio, and my interests include long walks at Pope John Paul Park, meeting new people and puppies, and getting all of my mama's attention.  I am writing on behalf of my mama who works at the Mather School in Dorchester.  Yesterday, she stayed home and I thought that meant it was a play day...but instead she played with my nemesis, the one with all the buttons, until past 7pm.  I said Mama, why haven't we gone for our walk yet?  She said, well, you are one fancy puppy with extravagant tastes, and to keep feeding you all those 2 Dogs Treats you like so much, Mama has to work long hours.  I said, well what are you working on?  She said, well the children at the Mather School have this VERY important program called Playworks that they really need or everyone will start fighting and being mean to each other.  They provide recess support, professional development, blah, blah, blah (WHERE IS MY TREAT???), blah, blah, blah...(TREAT, I NEED MY TREAT, MAMA)...blah, blah, blah...and if you want me to go on a 2 hour walk with you every day, then you should try to carry your own weight.  I said, Mama, have you seen this face??  I can do your job without lifting a PAW!

This is my begging face...this was at about 5:30pm when it was almost walk time and she basically ignored me, but I mean, look at me, I am REALLY working it here...for me, I mean, for the "children", can you please help?  Mama needs 1000 people to give just $30 each to the Mather School.  Or can just one of you give the $30,000 so we can be done with this!?

What do you say?  Can you pitch in and pass this along to a bunch of your other unfurry friends so they can help too?  I mean, shouldn't they be doing this anyway?  If those kids start being mean, then they won't learn how to read, then how will they get jobs to buy puppy treats?

I am giving you the hairy eyeball now.  GRRRRRR...  Please help...I am wasting away here....I haven't had a treat in a half hour and I am getting very hangry.

Wait, I'm very confused...did you donate yet?  Why not?  Did you check out that video on www.matherelementary.org?  That kid is pretty amazing.  Imagine if Mather didn't have Playworks?  He could get beat up, or worse he would not have the confidence he has today to be THAT cool.  His potential is limitless!  We need to help make sure ALL kids have the chance to be their best and not waste their time bullying and being mean to each other.

So, please, help me save the world, one child at a time.  I am only 8.3 pounds and cannot carry the weight of this burden alone. There are over 620 kids at the Mather, and most of their families do not have a lot of money.  This means we need a lot of other people who don't have kids there to pitch in just a little.  You would want someone to do this for you if your children needed help, right?  A SMALL sacrifice by MANY makes a BIG difference.  I will forgo a whole month of puppy treats if you can kick in $30...is it a deal?

Signing off,
Dorrie the Super Dog

Mama is right, saving the world IS hard work...nap time....zzzzzz...


  • Arden "Bubba" Kersey
    • $20 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Jenny Erickson
    • $40 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Russell Boone
    • $30 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Kim Ngo Connolly
Boston, MA

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