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Shonna Glenday Hilger (my sister)

Spende geschützt
Hi everyone, I am setting up this up for my big sister which I care for deeply,  I asked myself how can I  help as her younger brother. I fly nearly as high as I can fly to help financialy with mom and shonna. So I am asking for everyones help, not for me but for my sister.  As many of you already know she was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago. She was taken to the ER in the middle of the night for bleeding. After future  examination they discovered she had a tumor the size of a tennis ball that was bleeding out. They could not peform sugery as orginally planed due to they were afraid she would bleed to death. They then discovered she had cancer. The Dr told her it was a very aggressive cancer and at a high stage. So as you can all imagine it scared us all, especially me because I could not imagine loosing my big sister especially after we lost dad just a short 2 years ago. 
They kept her in the hospital for a few more days and more exams and they then found that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes in her pelvic area. While keeping her in the hospital for the weekend they gave her over 4 blood infusions just to try to get her blood level back up to a safe number.  The Dr put her on an aggressive plan as well. Shonna started on radiation treatment that week. Her treatment currently calls for 8 weeks of radiation treatment 5x a week, and chemo 1x a week for the next 8 weeks as well.  Shonna is currently taking 3 pills a week apprently to help with the chemo and the pills cost over $600.00 a week, yes you read that corectly. So thats nearly $5000 alone just in that 1 medication.  I have no clue how much the radiation treatments , chemo treatments etc.. are going to cost but we all know its very expensive. I'm sure the $10k mark is not even close to how much they will need but I just put that number out cause every dollar I know will help them out.  
So I'm asking for everyones help here. I'm taking this upon myself to help them out as much as I can. There is no amount too small or too large. I will be ever so grateful and I know she will as well as well as her husband and her kids. So the picture I posted on here is one of her most proud moments I know, She was able to pin her sons William Glendays wings on from his graduation at Delta Air Lines a few years ago. 

Thank you all from my heart and my entire familys heart. 


  • Donna Money
    • $50 
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Scott Money
Celeste, TX
Shonna Glenday Hilger

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