Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Let's Get There For Harris's Chair

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Jade has been a good friend of mine for about 5 years now. We share a love of sewing and cycling and have spent numerous enjoyable hours in each others company carrying out these fantastic hobbies. Jade is such an inspirational friend to me not only because she persuades me to cycle another mile or two when I feel I cannot peddle any more, but also the way she cares for her family. Harris has cerebral palsy, is in a wheelchair and needs around the clock care. Jade works tirelessly to give Harris the quality of life that he deserves and this is not always easy. She has to prepare and give medication several times a day, attend medical appointments, liaise with school and various carers and advocate for Harris. She has to cook and blend fresh food and feed this to Harris, she makes endless phone calls to all sorts of institutions that I haven't even heard of and she makes difficult decisions on a daily basis. She has to help Harris with all his personal care, she has plenty of sleepless nights and also has to give Harris time to express himself and provides stimulating opportunities for him to access the world. She has created a beautiful bedroom for him with beautiful sensory lights and decorations. She takes him camping, cycling and they went on a trip to Malaysia to visit family.
Together with Jo and Maliki they have battled through many difficult uncertain times, and with Harris's spinal operation date getting closer they are certainly not out of the woods. It is with this in mind that I felt strongly about using our 100mile bike ride as an opportunity to fundraise for Harris. When I asked Jade what she felt would be something they needed the most, it was a specialist chair. 
Thank you Jantine! I thought I would explain the situation from my point of view...
We were fortunate enough to be given a chair that has proven to be the best piece of equipment we have had. Unfortunatly Harris has outgrown it now so we are looking to raise the £4,000 need to buy another one.
It is not just a chair. It is a multifunctional piece of equipment that I can use to put Harris in a number of positions. On his front, side, sitting with his legs straight, lying on his back and a standard seating position. 
For Harris's comfort it is essential that we can reposition Harris several times a day. This is going to be even more important over the next few months.
Harris is due to have a 12hour operation on the 12th July to straighten his back. This is why we are trying to raise the money as quickly as possible as it takes one month to make the chair.  Currently his spine has curved that much that his rib cage and pelvis are rubbing against each other.  Perhaps try getting into that position yourself. It may give you an idea of how uncomfortable it is for Harris. Whilst this is a risky procedure, the alternative is to do nothing and slowly watch Harris' internal organs get crushed and compromise his health in other ways.
This has been a huge decision for us as a family, but understandably we want the best outcome for Harris. For us as parents we want to ensure that post surgery and during the months of recovery that will follow  Harris gets access to equipment that will aid his recovery.
This is where your donation can help. If we manage to get the funds for the chair it will mean so much not only to Harris but to all of us as a family. It will mean that not only post surgery, but many years down the line Harris will be able to access the house and garden in positions that he is comfortable in. Otherwise it is going to be a long and potentially isolating experience where Harris will have to remain in his bedroom on his bed. Also I cannot achieve the positions we can with the chair on Harris's bed. To reduce the potential of Harris needing further surgery it is paramount that we look after Harris's posture. This chair will help us to achieve this. 
With your support all of this will be possible!! 
Thank you in advance for your donation, no matter how big or small it will all help to giving our beautiful boy a brighter, more comfortable future.
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Jade Hisham

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