Donating to Charity: 25 of the best in the UK to contribute to

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| 3 min read Crowdfunding

Britain is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to giving. We’re a nation that wants to make a difference—and one of the best things about the online world is you can do this with the click of a button. But one of the biggest questions people have is who to give money to. That’s where we want to help.

We’ve collected 25 of the most popular charities for those looking to make a difference. We chose these charities because they’re well-liked, accountable, and great causes.

How to find charities

They say money can’t buy you happiness—but giving some of it away just might. Well-cited Research by social psychologist Liz Dunn shows spending on others makes people happier. And it’s not just a grown-up thing: Studies show even toddlers feel good when they give.

Finding the right charity for you

The real question when it comes to giving isn’t why, but who? Choosing a charity is a hugely personal decision. Start by thinking about the causes closest to your heart. For example, are you an animal person? Or have you experienced illnesses such as dementia in your family and want to help others in the same position? Or do you want to protect the environment? To help you make a difference, we have selected 25 of the best UK charities to donate to below. Each one represents a hugely important cause.

What are the best charities to donate to in the UK

So, you want to start giving. Each of these charities is listed in the UK Government’s charity register and GoFundMe’s charity directory. They represent a range of causes and interests, from cancer research to the British Red Cross.

Start helping your favourite cause today

Inspired?  Fundraising for charity is a great way to make a positive impact on the world and support causes that matter to you. Whether you are raising awareness, helping those in need, or bringing people together to work towards a common goal, there are so many reasons to fundraise for your favourite cause.

You can raise money for almost any charity you want using GoFundMe.  You can set up a page in seconds, and start fundraising immediately. The GoFundMe platform is easy to use, as well as fast – and 100% of the Gift Aid goes directly to the charity.

Our crowdfunding experts have produced fundraising resources to help you raise as much money for your cause as possible. We know how busy you are, which is why you can fundraise on-the-go with our app.

We’re proud our service is so easy and so fun to use. And just in case you need them, our customer support operates seven days a week, across all hours.

There are so many ways to get involved to help top-rated charities – and so many reasons why GoFundMe is the best way to get involved.

Start your charity fundraiser today

Written by dina