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Ceremony for Chris Stilwell

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Chris Stilwell (@diamhea) was a friend to many over the years, he was also a son and a brother. He touched many lives over the course of that time, though some of us lost contact with him we never forgot him. We will all remember the Chris who helped us when we needed it growing up. The Chris that was shy and innocent and the fun we all would have together in the early college years of our lives. The Chris that was passionate about his Camaro, car audio, the band that he was a member of. The friends that he would make online would later go on to be those who he talked to most. But we always remembered who he was when we knew him well.

Others would come to know Chris by his online screen name Diamhea. Before Twitter and Facebook he used the AIM as Diamhea2, which would go on to be his forum name. I only add this in so the people who have known him from the forums he monitored or posted on would make the connection. 

Chris family has faced several financial challenges since you probably last talked to Chris. His father passed away a few years ago and his family has moved around since then. His mother first had to deal with those financial challenges and now this. We are raising money to help his family with the unexpected expenses that have arisen associated with his death. His death was sudden and there was no life insurance or any sort of safety net to help with this. The money will go directly to his mother to help fund the expenses of giving him a memorial service.

Spendenteam: Helping The Stilwells (5)

Robert Banker
Novi, MI
Norma Stilwell
Evelyn Stilwell
Team member
Andreas Edlund
Team member
Penny Banker
Team member
Tim Mirabitur
Team member

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