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Jason's Rally To Ride!

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Im starting this fundraiser in order to earn money for something that has long been a memory. Growing up I can remember riding a bicycle all over the neighborhood and how much fun that was. Competing against my neighborhood friends to see who could cycle the fastest or do the coolest tricks. I rarely won, but had so much fun. As I got older and older, I got bigger and bigger. So much bigger that I couldnt find a bike that could support anyone over 350lbs, so I stopped riding.  I am 509lbs now, down 10lbs from my heaviest at 519lbs.

I recognize that my weight is no ones fault but my own. I've made some bad choices in my life that has gotten me to where I am, but I've made some changes and I am starting to go back the right direction. I know that eating healthier and controlling my portions are a big part of my weight loss, but so is exercising. For a person my size, it's not fun at all, it's painful. Im also not a stranger to hard work, I understand I didnt gain this weight overnight, and I am not going to lose it overnight. I am engaged to the women of my dreams and want to lose weight for our upcoming wedding. Im in a position career wise, that the only thing holding me back, is my weight. I love my Job so I have no problem getting up and going to work everyday. I have SO MUCH to lose weight for. I live in Little Rock, AR and I consider this an "outdoorsy" town with all the hills and bike trails and, everytime I see someone riding thier bicycle, it just reminds me of how much I miss riding a bike.

I have finally found a company that specializes in making bicycles for overweight people, (Zize Bikes) and I can see a glimmer of hope in recapturing what I enjoyed so much as a child. Unfortunately, now I am held back by the price, which is why I am reaching out for support. With this money, I will be able to purchase a bicycle I can ride, and being able to ride a bike again is going to keep me motivated to keep exercising.

Your support means the world to me, Thank you so much!


Jason Erwin
Little Rock, AR

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